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F-15C Update

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1 ... ostcount=1

Today the new F-15C advanced flight model (AFM) went into beta testing. This new flight model for the F-15C will be used for both Flaming Cliffs 3 and F-15C: DCS Flaming Cliffs. This short little video is provided to show some off the new landing physics (no more glued wheels to the runway!).


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  • 2 weeks later...

F-15C update



DCS: F-15C Eagle. Advanced flight model development overview

Dynamics modeling experts at BelSimTek are completing work on advanced flight and engine models of the F-15C Eagle for the upcoming module for DCS World.


The current model featured in DCS was originally developed over a decade ago and represents an earlier generation of technological potential and resulting model accuracy and performance. Despite exhibiting generally correct aerodynamic properties under normal flight conditions, by today’s standards the model falls short of increased user expectations, computing power, and experience gained by the developers over time. In an effort to meet these demands, we have begun to develop new flight and related component models as upgrades to some of the existing DCS aircraft. As the primary U.S. jet fighter in DCS and indeed one of the premier fighters of the world in reality, the F-15C Eagle will be the first DCS aircraft to receive this upgrade.


The flight model has been through over eight months of development and is now undergoing initial external (closed beta) testing. The complete aerodynamics model accounts for the entire spectrum of mass, force, and moment interactions of the aircraft as a physical object subjected to airflow. Unlike the mathematical approach of the previous model, which regarded the aircraft as a single point of focus, the new flight model consists of individual aircraft elements carefully tuned to reflect their unique aerodynamic characteristics and joined together to determine the sum vector of the airframe’s momentum. Such an approach makes it possible to accurately recreate the specific performance of the F-15C Eagle airframe throughout the entire flight envelope, including critical regimes like high angles of attack, stalls, spins, as well as specific flight conditions such as ground effect. Additionally, a new engine model is also created on par with the flight model to provide more realistic and accurate performance, for example featuring effects like negative G loading. The flight control system is modeled realistically, for example including input authority coefficients dependent on speed and altitude scheduling, the Aileron/Rudder Interconnect (ARI), Control Augmentation System (CAS), as well as Attitude and Altitude autopilot modes.


F-15C refuel


DCS: F-15C refuel

The new model significantly improves the entire flight control experience making special flight conditions like air to air refueling, landing, and edge of the envelope flying far more dynamic, exciting, and possibly even more challenging. Even straight and level flight loses the old feeling of flying on rails.


We are considering the possibility of creating a complete avionics model with clickable cockpit and accurate systems modeling. This would be a major development however, so a final decision has not yet been made.


The estimated release date for the advanced flight model for F-15C Eagle DCS module is end of November, 2013.

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  • 1 month later...

DCS: F-15C update

The good news is that we have a F-15 pilot taking a very active role in helping us get the F-15C AFM just right. With his help, we are making great strides that we would not have made otherwise. The bad news is that with his input, we have identified several more areas that need adjustment, and that has required more time than we originally estimated. Once we and he are happy with it, it will be released soon afterwards.

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F-15 AFM update:


Noticias del AFM del F-15C



A little F-15C AFM update - 7 December 2013


We've been hard at work on the new advanced flight model for the F-15C and each day we are getting a little closer. Unlike past AFM projects, this one has been a little different because of the characteristics of the Control Augmentation System (CAS). In particular how yaw, pitch and roll are blended under different flight conditions. In fact, to better help debug the system, we now have the ability to manually toggle each of the three CAS channels off and on (as indicated on the caution and warning panel). The flight characteristic differences are quite dramatic! Before this could happen though, there was a lot of tuning of the center of gravity of the aircraft. This has a huge affect on pitch and takeoff/landing performance. We are now at the stage of tuning the CAS blending to give the DCS Eagle its unique feel based on feedback from our Eagle driver SME and a large number of performance benchmarks. In fact, our F-15 SME had commented that the DCS F-15C has superior flight modeling in many ways to the 3 million dollar trainer. I think many of you will be quite surprised how maneuverable the Eagle can be at slow speeds and high angles of attacks. With the huge rudders, it can perform all sorts of awesome at slow speeds using a lot of rudder input. We've also added separate wheel brake axis this week for the Eagle.


In several ways, this work will act as a foundation for future DCS aircraft AFMs.


As mentioned in an earlier message though, this work has equated to more time and this project will not be ready in time to be released with the 1.2.7 update. However, we think the additional work / time will be well worth the wait.


In regards to AFM, this is how we generally define it:


The aircraft's dynamics are always calculated on the basis of the same physics equations describing translational and rotational motion of a solid body under the influence of external forces and moments disregarding the nature of their origin.


The center-of-gravity can change its location within the speed axis system.


When calculating aerodynamics characteristics, the plane is represented as a combination of airframe components (fuselage, outer wing panel, stabilizer, etc). Separate calculations of aerodynamics characteristics are performed for each of the above named components in the entire range of local angles of attack and sliding (including super-critical), local dynamic pressure and Mach number taking into consideration deviation and grade of destruction of control instruments and some airframe components.


This is the basic definition, but not limited to, what we use to define a DCS aircraft with an AFM. Further detail can be added to include dynamic engine operation, sub-system modeling, fluid dynamics, and damage modeling. None of this must equate to a mouse-clickable cockpit. As such, the definition of an AFM can be a bit broad and encompass products ranging from the the Su-25T to the A-10C.




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  • 2 months later...

Belsimtek F-15C AFM



BelSimTek Nearing Completion of F-15C Advanced Flight and Engine Models

The original F-15C flight model currently featured in DCS was developed over a decade ago and represents an earlier generation of simulation technology. Despite demonstrating generally correct aerodynamic performance under normal flight conditions and providing great gameplay, current user expectations, available computer power, and developer expertise demand a higher level of fidelity. As a result, a comprehensive advanced flight model of the primary U.S. jet fighter, the F-15C Eagle, has been under development for DCS.


The complete aerodynamics model accounts for mass, force, and moment interactions of the aircraft’s elements as subjected to airflow. Unlike the previous model, which regarded the aircraft as a single point of focus, the new flight model consists of individual aircraft elements carefully tuned to reflect their unique aerodynamic characteristics and joined together to determine the sum vector of the airframe’s momentum.


Over a year a hard work has gone into the development of this model and now it is finally ready for initial external testing. The primary element of the new model is accurate aerodynamic performance that closely matches the characteristics of the real F-15C Eagle throughout the flight envelope, including in critical angles of attack, stalls, and spins. Maneuverability characteristics are also correctly modeled throughout the flight envelope, providing accurate performance in acceleration, available sustained G, maximum airspeeds, maximum altitudes and other characteristics.


Of course even real aircraft differ somewhat from their documented performance characteristics due to slight individual variability, but we have made every effort to ensure you are truly immersed in the experience of driving – without a doubt – one of the best fighters of the 20th century.


In addition to the aerodynamics model, the flight model includes a new engine model, based on the F100-PW-220 engine with increased dry and afterburner thrust. The model accounts for inverted and negative G flight effects and features a special afterburner component model. The flight model also includes a new fuel system model as well as nosewheel steering and wheel brake component models.


Special attention was paid to accurately recreate the design of the F-15C flight control system, including Pitch Ratio control adjusted for airspeed and altitude, Aileron/Rudder Interconnect (ARI), Control Augmentation System (CAS), Attitude and Altitude autopilots, and the Pitch Trim Compensator (PTC).


The new model significantly improves the entire flying experience, making special flight conditions like air to air refueling, landing, and edge of the envelope flying far more dynamic, exciting, and even more challenging. Straight and level flight no longer feels like “flying on rails†while maneuvering flight provides a sensation of the power and control in your hands.


At this stage of development, we can confidently provide a highly accurate aerodynamics model of the F-15C accompanied by a partly reproduced systems model.


The estimated release date of the new flight model for F-15C Eagle DCS module is late March, 2014.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pilot Mi8 habla sobre el AFM del F-15C

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... stcount=61

Originally Posted by WildBillKelsoe View Post

I hope they release it this month. .....!

Maybe add 1 week... 10 days: final testing and tuning is bit longer, for high level quality of model dynamic

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Silver_Dragon haber si me puedes ayudar que no entiendo muy bien todavía el mundillo de DCS. Por lo que estoy viendo la empresa ha sacado un F-15C individual, es decir, que no tiene nada que ver con el FC3 ¿no?


Mi pregunta es: Si yo me compro el FC3 y hay actualizaciones o mejoras como las que estoy viendo, en este caso la del F-15C, ¿los que tienen FC3 se ven beneficiados por esto? ó cualquier avión, en este caso F-15c, de FC3 ya no lo mejoran más :S.


Estoy en un mar de dudas... :startle:

CONSTANTIA IN ADVERSIS, "Ave que vuela a la cazuela".

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El actual F-15C es el mismo que tienes en FC-3, los poseedores anteriores reciben el update de sistemas y modelos de vuelo de este modulo segregado gratuitamente. Por ahora, Belsimtek no ha dicho nada del F-15C "pata negra", pero esperemos que lo haga en el futuro. Otras mejoras como el modelo de vuelo avanzado del Su-27S también lo recibirán gratuitamente los poseedores del FC-3. Los modulos segregados que están saliendo ahora, son para la gente que no quiere comprar el paquete completo.

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El actual F-15C es el mismo que tienes en FC-3, los poseedores anteriores reciben el update de sistemas y modelos de vuelo de este modulo segregado gratuitamente. Por ahora, Belsimtek no ha dicho nada del F-15C "pata negra", pero esperemos que lo haga en el futuro. Otras mejoras como el modelo de vuelo avanzado del Su-27S también lo recibirán gratuitamente los poseedores del FC-3. Los modulos segregados que están saliendo ahora, son para la gente que no quiere comprar el paquete completo.

Gracias por la info, estos de DCS cada día me caen mejor. Voy a tener que entrenar para ponerme a los mandos :gym:  

CONSTANTIA IN ADVERSIS, "Ave que vuela a la cazuela".

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