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Traducción EULA al inglés.

Joe Labrada

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Traducción del EULA de POH 0.7.0 al inglés:


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LICENCIA DE USO "Pillars of Hercules Theater"


Este es un trabajo sin ánimo de lucro hecho por y para la comunidad, por lo que su distribución es libre y completamente gratuita. Y así seguirá siendo.


Por el hecho de contener elementos que no son propiedad de F4Spain/Escuadron111/F4Portugal existen ciertas limitaciones.


Puedes usar y distribuir (siempre de forma gratuita) el Teatro teniendo presente que contiene texturas creadas a partir de capturas de pantalla de GoogleEarth, Yahoo Maps, Bing Maps y Nokia OVI Maps (todas las imágenes son propiedad de las respectivas empresas).


Asimismo, los logotipos de los diferentes escuadrones que han sido incluidos en la beta con el permiso de los respectivos staff o miembros con competencia asumida son propiedad de aquellos.


Teniendo en cuenta estas consideraciones, el resto de elementos que forman parte del Teatro pueden ser aprovechados por otros grupos de creación de teatros siempre que su uso y distribución sea a su vez libre y gratuita y se haga mención a la fuente de origen.


F4Spain agradecerá a cualquier usuario o grupo que cree misiones,campañas u otros añadidos para el teatro que se pongan en contacto con nosotros a través de nuestra web (http://www.escuadron111.com>foros>proyectos>F4Spain) para poder estudiar la inclusión de estos elementos en futuras versiones del teatro.


La filosofía de F4Spain en lo que respecta a la instalación del Teatro es la de hacer la vida más fácil al usuario.En nuestro deseo de automatizar completamente la instalación-desinstalación hemos optado por introducir datos en el registro de Windows; y aquí es donde expresamos nuestro compromiso de buena fe y de que estos datos están única y exclusivamente relacionados con la instalación-desinstalación de “POH Theater Betaâ€. No obstante no nos responsabilizamos de los daños que la instalación o desinstalación puedan ocasionar en tu PC. Ten en cuenta que este instalable es una Beta y no está completamente testeado. Por estos motivos aconsejamos encarecidamente que se instale POH en una instalación limpia de Falcon BMS para testeo.


El instalador ha sido creado con el manejador de script Windows de código abierto "Nullsoft Scriptable Install System"


Instalación sencilla con un click: Un click y te olvidas (OCI).






F4Spain, el Escuadrón111 y F4Portugal no se hacen responsables de nada de lo que ocurra en tu ordenador y/o periféricos como resultado de la instalación/desinstalación y/o uso de nuestro Teatro.



Esperamos que lo disfrutéis.






El equipo de 201 VFS - FALCÁ•ES






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Aquí está para posibles correcciones o enmiendas :wink:


EULA "Pillars of Hercules Theater"


This is a nonprofit project. It's made by the community and for it. Then it is and it will be completely free to share and use.


There are some elements not property of F4Spain/Escuadron111/F4Portugal though, then some limitations need to be used.


You can use and distribute this theater (freely as I say) but have in mind some textures had been created by modifying Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Bing Maps and Nokia OVI Maps (those all images are property of each company).


Different squadron logos allowed to be included in this beta by their staff/members are property of them, as well.


Having these in mind, other theater builders can use the rest of the elements of this theater, provided that its use and distribution have to be also free and the original source must be named.


F4Spain will thank anyone who creates missions, campaigns or add-ons that could be included in next POH theater versions. Please contact us through our website http://www.escuadron111.com>foros>proyectos>F4Spain to coordinate that.


F4Spain theater seft-installation philosophy is keeping things simple and easy. Thus we had to introduce some Windows registry changes to have installation automated. We guaranty this registry changes are only related to "POH Theater Beta" install-deinstall" matters. Nevertheless we don't keep responsibility of any harm caused to your computer. This installations is a beta version so it is not completely tested. Due to this we encourage you to install it on a brand new Falcon BMS installation to test it.


The installer was created with "Nullsoft Scriptable Install System" open source Windows script manager.


Simple one-click installation (OCI).


Simple deinstallation through START>CONTROL PANEL>PROGRAMS>PROGRAMS AND FEATURES and choosing uninstall this beta.


F4Spain, Escuadron111 and F4Portugal don't rely any responsibility of anything that happen to your computer or peripherals by installing/deinstalling or using our theater.


We hope you enjoy it!





201 VFS Team- FALCÁ•ES


Bueno, lo de siempre ¿no?... 20 millas y al turrón.


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Aquí está para posibles correcciones o enmiendas :wink:


EULA "Pillars of Hercules Theater"


This is a nonprofit project. It's made by the community and for it. Then it is and it will be completely free to share and use.


There are some elements not property of F4Spain/Escuadron111/F4Portugal though, then some limitations need to be used.


You can use and distribute this theater (freely as I say) but have in mind some textures had been created by modifying Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Bing Maps and Nokia OVI Maps (those all images are property of each company).


Different squadron logos allowed to be included in this beta by their staff/members are property of them, as well.


Having these in mind, other theater builders can use the rest of the elements of this theater, provided that its use and distribution have to be also free and the original source must be named.


F4Spain will thank anyone who creates missions, campaigns or add-ons that could be included in next POH theater versions. Please contact us through our website http://www.escuadron111.com>foros>proyectos>F4Spain to coordinate that.


F4Spain theater seft-installation philosophy is keeping things simple and easy. Thus we had to introduce some Windows registry changes to have installation automated. We guaranty this registry changes are only related to "POH Theater Beta" install-deinstall" matters. Nevertheless we don't keep responsibility of any harm caused to your computer. This installations is a beta version so it is not completely tested. Due to this we encourage you to install it on a brand new Falcon BMS installation to test it.


The installer was created with "Nullsoft Scriptable Install System" open source Windows script manager.


Simple one-click installation (OCI).


Simple deinstallation through START>CONTROL PANEL>PROGRAMS>PROGRAMS AND FEATURES and choosing uninstall this beta.


F4Spain, Escuadron111 and F4Portugal don't rely any responsibility of anything that happen to your computer or peripherals by installing/deinstalling or using our theater.


We hope you enjoy it!





201 VFS Team- FALCÁ•ES



Fase de enmiendas superada. :D

Incluyo el texto. Muchas gracias




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