Joe Labrada Publicado 19 de Marzo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 19 de Marzo del 2014 Necesitamos la siguiente información: TACANs, VORTACs and VOR/DMEs. I need the real data for the ranges of the Spanish TACANs, VORTACs and VOR/DMEs. As you can see at the attached pdf file, i have only the civilian version that gives ranges only to VORs (not VOR/DMEs) and to NDBs (that are not used inside Falcon BMS). Do you have any friend that can provide us the similar file for the military NavAids (means TACANs and VORTACs)? If we can, it will be great to have the real data. Or else i will use from Jeppesen the estimations for them. Maybe this website can help you? But i know this site as also the better one here: of them did not give ranges for the NavAids. Only the channels and the IDs. ¿Alguna aportación? Citar Cordialmente, Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
MrWell Publicado 19 de Marzo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 19 de Marzo del 2014 A ver si consigo un Supplement... Citar Bueno, lo de siempre ¿no?... 20 millas y al turrón. Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
CHipi Publicado 20 de Marzo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 20 de Marzo del 2014 Joe, ya se lo dije a nikos en un correo. En ninguna de las publicaciones dirigidas a pilotos aparece él alcance de las radioayudas. De hecho nunca me lo había planteado. Sí que era importante comprobar sí funcionaban o no y mirar las restricciones puntuales que pudieran tener que se publicaban por NOTAMs. Pero él alcance por defecto no lo he mirado en la vida. Cuando volabas hacia un tacan, cuando estabas a xx millas lo sintonizabas. Sí no daba señal, volvías a la anterior y esperabas un poco más. no digo que la info no exista, pero desde luego sí no esta en ninguna de las publicaciones que usamos, significa que no es un dato relevante pista los pilotos. De hecho si hay algo que me llama la atención de los tacan en bms es el poco alcance que tienen. IRL y a alta cota yo recuedo sintonizar tacans mucho más allá de las 50 millas. Pero de mi memoria ya no se puede fiar uno. Anyway y cómo dice mrwell el suplemment es la última publicación a la que tengo acceso que me queda por mirar. En todas las demás, incluido él AIP, no esta. Citar Specs:Intel i7-2600K@4.6 // Asus Maximus IV Extreme Rev3 // GTX 1080ti // 16 GB DDR3 // SSDs // HDD WD 10K // Win7 x64 // 3x24'' monitors@6050x1200 Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
flyway Publicado 20 de Marzo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 20 de Marzo del 2014 Have also looked for Spanish airports/ airbases info and didn't find much... will give some more searching. As you know 201VFS forums have Portuguese needed info. Citar 201 VFS - FALCÁ•ESPortuguese expressionVirtual Flying Squadroon Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Blackduke Publicado 20 de Marzo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 20 de Marzo del 2014 Nosotros, cada x tiempo calibramos los tacanes de los buques y aunque ahora mismo no recuerdo distancias, si que recuerdo que había radiales y a veces sectores en los que la aeronave que participaba en la calibración tenía más alcance, yendo a la misma altura, claro, que en otros. Y como toda fuente emisora de radioenergía, se ve también afectada por las condiciones meteo. De hecho, en los buques nunca damos un alcance del tacan. Cuando una aeronave se nos aproximaba, o bien se le ha dado antes en el briefing en homeplate o bien se le da por radio el canal tacan. El piloto lo sintoniza y ahí lo deja hasta que reciben señal. Tal vez por eso, no aparece ese dato en las publicaciones. Puede que no sea tan crucial, sino aparecería, digo yo ¿no? Citar Keep the Bastards Under PressureEntre tú y el Lider hay un contrato: él vuela; tú lo sigues. ¡Confías en que no meterá la pata! Eso es todo; si él vuela hacia un muro, tú con él. Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Joe Labrada Publicado 20 de Marzo del 2014 Autor Reportar Share Publicado 20 de Marzo del 2014 Ok... Muchas gracais..... ....entonces ese dato no está disponible... supongo que es para, al hacer las cartas, dibujar arcos DM, o como se llamen... no sé. Cuando dice: Do you have any friend that can provide us the similar file for the military NavAids (means TACANs and VORTACs) ¿Hay algo más que no pueda obtener de ese enlace que usa como fuente de información? Quiero decir: ¿aparte del alcance de la estación TACAN nos p ide algo más? Citar Cordialmente, Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
flyway Publicado 21 de Marzo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 21 de Marzo del 2014 Well, usually, for IAPs you'll need as basics: - Airport/Airbase comms for VHF and UHF - Airport/ Airbase ARP location and elev. - Airport/ Airbase spawn points - Aiport/ Airbase diagrams - Surrounding areas elevations/ high objects for multiple purposes/ multiple plates. - Tacan station (inc. DME emmiter); channel - Tacan station (inc. DME emmiter); range ...- if no available info, assume range (100NM, 50NM or 25NM) by importance of that airbase/ airport. - Tacan station (inc. DME emmiter); location - ILS emmiter for each existent RWY end; Freq. - Existence of Inner/Outer Markers - RWY refined headings (in BMS) - RWY (Each one) ARPs locations and elevs - RWY (each one) elevation, lenght and width (in BMS) - Kind of PAPI for each RWY end Here's our current (adapted to BMS) IAP for Sachon (adapted from the real one from Monte Real). PM for the creation source (in Excel) if interested. Citar 201 VFS - FALCÁ•ESPortuguese expressionVirtual Flying Squadroon Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
CHipi Publicado 22 de Marzo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 22 de Marzo del 2014 Well, usually, for IAPs you'll need as basics:- Airport/Airbase comms for VHF and UHF - Airport/ Airbase ARP location and elev. - Airport/ Airbase spawn points - Aiport/ Airbase diagrams - Surrounding areas elevations/ high objects for multiple purposes/ multiple plates. - Tacan station (inc. DME emmiter); channel - Tacan station (inc. DME emmiter); range ...- if no available info, assume range (100NM, 50NM or 25NM) by importance of that airbase/ airport. - Tacan station (inc. DME emmiter); location - ILS emmiter for each existent RWY end; Freq. - Existence of Inner/Outer Markers - RWY refined headings (in BMS) - RWY (Each one) ARPs locations and elevs - RWY (each one) elevation, lenght and width (in BMS) - Kind of PAPI for each RWY end Here's our current (adapted to BMS) IAP for Sachon (adapted from the real one from Monte Real). PM for the creation source (in Excel) if interested. flyaway: To draw the approach plate you don't need the tacan range. Maybe you need it to build the theater, but none of the approach plates I have flown IRL (DOD, SPAF IAPs and Jeppessen) include the tacan range info. IRL I have never seen a TACAN with a range as short as 25NM. I agree that if no info is available a minimum of at least 75NM should be given to ALL t Tacans. I sent nikos all the real approach plates for spanish bases current as of november last year. Citar Specs:Intel i7-2600K@4.6 // Asus Maximus IV Extreme Rev3 // GTX 1080ti // 16 GB DDR3 // SSDs // HDD WD 10K // Win7 x64 // 3x24'' monitors@6050x1200 Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Tom Raisen Publicado 22 de Marzo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 22 de Marzo del 2014 nice job RED-1!! :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :plas: :plas: :plas: Citar Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
MrWell Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2014 De hecho la posición de las radioayudas se decide en base a la ruta que se pretende cubrir, o sea, si queremos ir de LETO a LEAB pondremos un TCN en cada base solapándose en el medio. Lo raro es que no haya cobertura TCN como pasa en BMS. Siempre habría uno, aunque no fuera el que queremos, sino estaría mal diseñada la red. La única excepción es si nos apoyamos en VOR para navegar. Todo esto estando a media altura. A MBC es otra historia. Saludos PD: De todas maneras seguiré buscando el Supplement para asegurarnos de que no viene el range Citar Bueno, lo de siempre ¿no?... 20 millas y al turrón. Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
flyway Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2014 Well, usually, for IAPs you'll need as basics:- Airport/Airbase comms for VHF and UHF - Airport/ Airbase ARP location and elev. - Airport/ Airbase spawn points - Aiport/ Airbase diagrams - Surrounding areas elevations/ high objects for multiple purposes/ multiple plates. - Tacan station (inc. DME emmiter); channel - Tacan station (inc. DME emmiter); range ...- if no available info, assume range (100NM, 50NM or 25NM) by importance of that airbase/ airport. - Tacan station (inc. DME emmiter); location - ILS emmiter for each existent RWY end; Freq. - Existence of Inner/Outer Markers - RWY refined headings (in BMS) - RWY (Each one) ARPs locations and elevs - RWY (each one) elevation, lenght and width (in BMS) - Kind of PAPI for each RWY end Here's our current (adapted to BMS) IAP for Sachon (adapted from the real one from Monte Real). PM for the creation source (in Excel) if interested. flyaway: To draw the approach plate you don't need the tacan range. Maybe you need it to build the theater, but none of the approach plates I have flown IRL (DOD, SPAF IAPs and Jeppessen) include the tacan range info. IRL I have never seen a TACAN with a range as short as 25NM. I agree that if no info is available a minimum of at least 75NM should be given to ALL t Tacans. I sent nikos all the real approach plates for spanish bases current as of november last year. Good copy mate. Well, it's usuall to see those ranges in "falcon" charts... Maybe not very realistic, but, since am used to see that info, have included it in the list... not that I need it, although it maybe an useful information. Citar 201 VFS - FALCÁ•ESPortuguese expressionVirtual Flying Squadroon Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
CHipi Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2014 Well, usually, for IAPs you'll need as basics:- Airport/Airbase comms for VHF and UHF - Airport/ Airbase ARP location and elev. - Airport/ Airbase spawn points - Aiport/ Airbase diagrams - Surrounding areas elevations/ high objects for multiple purposes/ multiple plates. - Tacan station (inc. DME emmiter); channel - Tacan station (inc. DME emmiter); range ...- if no available info, assume range (100NM, 50NM or 25NM) by importance of that airbase/ airport. - Tacan station (inc. DME emmiter); location - ILS emmiter for each existent RWY end; Freq. - Existence of Inner/Outer Markers - RWY refined headings (in BMS) - RWY (Each one) ARPs locations and elevs - RWY (each one) elevation, lenght and width (in BMS) - Kind of PAPI for each RWY end Here's our current (adapted to BMS) IAP for Sachon (adapted from the real one from Monte Real). PM for the creation source (in Excel) if interested. flyaway: To draw the approach plate you don't need the tacan range. Maybe you need it to build the theater, but none of the approach plates I have flown IRL (DOD, SPAF IAPs and Jeppessen) include the tacan range info. IRL I have never seen a TACAN with a range as short as 25NM. I agree that if no info is available a minimum of at least 75NM should be given to ALL t Tacans. I sent nikos all the real approach plates for spanish bases current as of november last year. Good copy mate. Well, it's usuall to see those ranges in "falcon" charts... Maybe not very realistic, but, since am used to see that info, have included it in the list... not that I need it, although it maybe an useful information. Glad to help here. That's one of the main missions of us "aggressors". To help with out IRL experience. Citar Specs:Intel i7-2600K@4.6 // Asus Maximus IV Extreme Rev3 // GTX 1080ti // 16 GB DDR3 // SSDs // HDD WD 10K // Win7 x64 // 3x24'' monitors@6050x1200 Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
flyway Publicado 24 de Marzo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 24 de Marzo del 2014 Chipi, IRL experience is exactly what this community (Falcon world) needs to have by side. :mrgreen: Helping and giving the right advises is what we all strive for, seeking for realism with this simulator. Now, still about tacan ranges, and considering Mr.Well input, it makes sense to see those ranges (still under falcon world ) if there's no full coverage over the theater territory, as it seems to be IRL. Citar 201 VFS - FALCÁ•ESPortuguese expressionVirtual Flying Squadroon Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
CHipi Publicado 25 de Marzo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 25 de Marzo del 2014 Chipi, IRL experience is exactly what this community (Falcon world) needs to have by side. :mrgreen: Helping and giving the right advises is what we all strive for, seeking for realism with this simulator. Now, still about tacan ranges, and considering Mr.Well input, it makes sense to see those ranges (still under falcon world ) if there's no full coverage over the theater territory, as it seems to be IRL. We try to be as helpful as we can, but sometimes bringing RL advice to virtual world just makes things more confusing. IRL TACANs are very seldom used as a "navigation" aid to go from point A to point B. Thats mainly because during peacetime when flying a pure ferry flight, all civilian airways are based on VOR/DME. Besides radio nav is being replaced rapidly by RNAV, based on onboard systems like GPS. And that is peace time ferry flight. When we are taking about operational flight, TCs(transit corridors = tactical airways) established in ACO are not based on navaids. They are just waypoints and military A/C use onboard systems to fly along them. So RL, TACANs have been since long relegated to merely secondary APP aids so using TACANs to nav is not very realistic, specially in a wartime scenario. Bottomline here is I wouldn't worry much about this issue and fix a std range of 75-100 NM fire all of them. And since it is not normally available to RL pilots, I would not include TACAN ranges on any of the approach plates. hope this helps. Citar Specs:Intel i7-2600K@4.6 // Asus Maximus IV Extreme Rev3 // GTX 1080ti // 16 GB DDR3 // SSDs // HDD WD 10K // Win7 x64 // 3x24'' monitors@6050x1200 Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
flyway Publicado 25 de Marzo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 25 de Marzo del 2014 Thankyou Chipi. Very valuable info here. :birras: Citar 201 VFS - FALCÁ•ESPortuguese expressionVirtual Flying Squadroon Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Joe Labrada Publicado 30 de Abril del 2014 Autor Reportar Share Publicado 30 de Abril del 2014 Publicado en los foros de BenchmarkSims por nuestro infatigable Nikos... Una preview de las Navaids de POH confeccionadas por Nikos y Nil. :crack: :crack: :crack: POH theater - NavAids and nav. charts Citar Cordialmente, Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Tom Raisen Publicado 30 de Abril del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 30 de Abril del 2014 sí, vistas ahí... vaya monstruos NIL y Nikos... brutal... :crack: :crack: :crack: Citar Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
pina Publicado 13 de Mayo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 13 de Mayo del 2014 (editado) Hello, taken from portuguese AIP ARRABIDA DME DME ARR CH20X H24 382934N 0085744W 1200FT FRA: Intermediate /Coverage: 150NM FL100Not usable:120DEG / 190DEG245DEG / 260DEG ARRUDA NDB LAR 382 KHZ H24 385940N 0090225W NIL /Coverage:50NM BEJA TACAN BEJ CH 105X H24 380742N 0075536W 700FT NIL /Coverage:150NM / FL300not usableBTN R265 and R275 all levels CAPARICA NDB CP 389 KHZ H24 383832N 0091317W FRA: Departure /Coverage:180NMBearing Errors of up to Plus/Minus 10 degrees in sectors R314-316 and R115-117 CASCAIS DVOR/DME CAS 114.30MHZCH 90X H24 384454N 0092143W 700FT FRA: Intermediate /Coverage: 60NMDVOR Sectors not usable:030º/060º byd 20NM blw FL100290º/350º byd 10NM blw FL100 ESPICHEL DVORTAC ESP 112.50MHZCH 72X H24 382527N 0091109W 600FT FRA: Intermediate; Arrival; Departure /Coverage:203º/315º - 200NM FL500315º/203º - 80NM FL500Not usable:060º/080º blw 4000FT byd 10NM FARO DVOR VFA 112.80MHZ H24 370049N 0075830W FRA: Intermediate /Coverage:200NM FL500 Not Usable:340º/060º blw 4000FT byd 40NM FARO DME VFA CH 75X H24 370049N 0075830W 100FT FRA: Intermediate /Coverage:200NM FL500Not usable:340º/060º blw 4000FT byd 40NM FATIMA DVOR FTM 113.50MHZ H24 393956N 0082934W FRA: Intermediate; Arrival; Departure /Coverage:60NM FL500Not usable:210º/230ºbyd 35NM blw 4000FT AMSL210º/230ºbyd 40NM blw 5000FT AMSL210º/230ºbyd 47NM blw 6000FT AMSL FATIMA DME FTM CH 82X H24 393958N 0082936W 700FT FRA: Intermediate; Arrival; Departure /Coverage:60NM FL500Not usable:210º/230ºbyd 35NM blw 4000FT AMSL210º/230ºbyd 40NM blw 5000FT AMSL210º/230ºbyd 47NM blw 6000FT AMSL FLORES DVOR (14ºW) FRS 113.30MHZ H24 392713N 0311238W NIL /Coverage:250NM FL300Not usable:325º/345º blw 16000FT byd 40NM FLORES DME (14ºW) FRS CH80X H24 392713N 0311238W 2800FT NIL /Coverage: 250NM FL300 Not usable: 325º/345º blw 16000FT byd 40NM FUNCHAL DVOR FUN 112.20 MHZ H24 324450N 0164220W FRA: Intermediate /Coverage:200NM FL500Not usable:240º/310º byd 20NM blw 9000FT FUNCHAL NDB MAD 318KHZ H24 324453N 0164223W NIL /Coverage:50NMNot usable:260º / 290º blw 7000FT FUNCHAL DME FUN CH59X H24 324449N 0164220W 500FT FRA: Intermediate /Coverage:200NM FL500Not usable:240º/310º byd 20NM blw 9000FT GRACIOSA L GC 428KHZ H24 390538N 028 01 51W NIL /Coverage:25NM HORTA DVORTAC VFL 112.70MHZCH 74X H24 383110N 0283725W 500FT NIL /Coverage:240NM - FL600 DVOR:Not usable:010º/020º byd 10NM blw 10000FT080º/140º byd 15NM blw 10000FT280º/010º byd 10NM blw 10000FTNot usable below 5000FTTACAN:Not usable:010º/020º byd 10NM blw 10000FT045º/080º byd 30NM blw 5000FT080º/100º byd 28NM blw 5500FT100º/140º byd 15NM blw 10000FT140º/150º byd 40NM blw 3000FT280º/010º byd 10NM blw 10000FT HORTA NDB FIL 380 KHZ H24 383121N 0284109W NIL /Coverage:250NM LAJES VOR LM 112.30MHZ H24 384702N 0270616W NIL /Coverage:100NMNot usable:R215/R240 byd 35NM blw 9000FT R241/R275 byd 20NM at all altitudes.Maintenance:WED 08:00-12:00. LAJES TACAN LAJ CH 45X H24 384248N 0270656W 1800FT NIL /Coverage:150NM / FL300Not usable:270º/315º within 40NM blw 7000FTMaintenance:MON 09:00-12:00. LISBOA DVOR/DME LIS 114.80MHZCH 95X H24 385316N 0090946W 1100FT FRA: Intermediate /Coverage:80NM FL500 MONTARGIL DME DMT CH 45X H24 390438N 0081115W 800FT FRA: Intermediate /Coverage:115NM / FL080 MONTIJO TACAN MOJ CH37X H24 384232N 0090200W 100FT NIL /Coverage:150NM / FL300Unusable:R290 / R310 BLW 4000FT BYD 15NM MONTE REAL TACAN MTR CH33X H24 394957N 0085325W 300FT NIL /Coverage:150NM / FL300 NISA DVORTAC NSA 115.50MHZCH102X H24 393353N 0075453W 1300FT FRA: Intermediate /Coverage:000º/180º - 60NM FL500181º/359º - 200NM FL 500DVOR:Not usable:310º/340º byd 20NM blw 7000FTExcessive errors may be observed in the sectors 117º-184º and 300º-030ºTACAN:Not usable:200º/210º byd 30NM blw 4000FT310º/340º byd 20NM blw 7000FT PONTA DELGADA DVORTAC VMG 114.50MHZCH 92X H24 375046N 0254529W 2800FT NIL /DVOR: Not usable: 090º/120º byd 30NM blw 8000FT TACAN: Not usable: 170º/190ºbyd 40NM blw 6000FT PORTO DVOR/DME PRT 114.10MHZCH 88X H24 411623N 0084116W 200FT FRA: Intermediate /Coverage:225º/315º - 200NM FL500315º/225º - 80NM FL500Not usable:340º/360º byd 35NM PORTO NDB POR 327 KHZ H24 412053N 0084229W NIL /Coverage:200NMNot usable:100º/130º byd 40NM blw 9000FT PORTO SANTO DVOR SNT 114.90MHZ H24 330525N 0162102W FRA: Intermediate; Arrival; Departure / Coverage:200NM FL500Not usable:070º/170º195º/250º byd 10NM below 9000FT PORTO SANTO DME SNT CH 96X H24 330525N 0162101W 400FT FRA: Intermediate; Arrival; Departure /Coverage:200NM FL 500Not usable:070º / 170º195º / 250º byd 10nm blw 9000FT PORTO SANTO NDB PST 338 KHZ H24 330407N 0162130W NIL /Coverage: 250NM FL500 SAGRES DVOR SGR 113.90MHZ H24 370502N 0085647W FRA: Intermediate /Coverage:250NM FL500 SAGRES DME SGR CH 86X H24 370502N 0085647W 500FT FRA: Intermediate /Coverage:250NM FL500 SANTA MARIA VOR/DME (11ºW) VSM 112.00MHZCH 57X H24 365746N 0250959W 300FT NIL /Coverage:200NM FL500Not usable065º/130º byd 20NM blw 6000FT SINTRA VORTAC SRA 112.10MHZCH 58X H24 384945N 0092024W 400FT NIL /Coverage: 200NM FL500 Not usable 090º/110º byd 15NM blw 6000FT 220º/260º byd 10NM blw 10000FT 300º/330º byd 15NM blw 6000FT Maintenance: Every first working day of the month. VISEU DVOR/DME VIS 113.10MHZCH 78X H24 404324N 0075309W 2100FT FRA: Intermediate /Coverage:200NM FL500Not usable:130º/180º blw 9000FT byd 40NM180º/315º blw 6000FT byd 40NM315º/130º blw 8000FT byd 40NM Editado 13 de Mayo del 2014 por pina 1 Citar Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Joe Labrada Publicado 14 de Mayo del 2014 Autor Reportar Share Publicado 14 de Mayo del 2014 Post here, please Thank you very much Citar Cordialmente, Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
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