DEXTER Publicado 23 de Mayo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 23 de Mayo del 2014 Estoy empezando a trastear con el A-10 c ,pero no se que controles debo asignar a la palanca de gases,por que el que viene en el manual es para el wartog,os agradecería mucho una ayudita y de paso como hacer para que reconozca el microyostick..La asignación quisiera hacerla desde el configurador del juego, si es posible y no trastear con el foxsy ni perfiles.Si no es posible ya me diréis ,Gracias Citar Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
sputnik Publicado 24 de Mayo del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 24 de Mayo del 2014 hola dexter ,me alegro que empiecesa "trastear" con el A/10, siento no poder ayudarte con tu problema , ya que mis conocimientos een estos temas son muy limitados, intentaré preguntar por ahi a ver si me entero de algo un saludo Citar Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
DEXTER Publicado 24 de Mayo del 2014 Autor Reportar Share Publicado 24 de Mayo del 2014 Muchas gracias sputnik Citar Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Lopez Publicado 1 de Junio del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 1 de Junio del 2014 Rem ############################################## Rem A-10C Warthog.tmj Rem for Rem DCS: Warthog Rem Rem by "Speedbrake" Rem Last modified: 28 mayo 2014, 1:44 am Rem Controllers: Thrustmaster Cougar Rem USE MDEF A-10 Warthog-Cougar.tmm Rem ############################################## Rem ############################################## Rem TG1 - Triggers Rem ############################################# BTN TG1 /H GunTrigger_1 BTN TG2 /H GunTrigger_2 Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rem S1 - Master Mode Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTN S1 /I /O /H HotasMasterModeControlButton Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rem S2 - Weapon Release Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTN S2 /I /O /H WeaponRelease Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rem S3 - Nosewheel Steering Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTN S3 HotasNosewhellSteeringButton Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rem Coolie Hat - Trim Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTN H1U /I /O /H TrimNoseDown BTN H1D /I /O /H TrimNoseUp BTN H1L /I /O /H TrimLeftWingDown BTN H1R /I /O /H TrimRightWingDown Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rem TMS Hat - Target Management System Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTN H2U /I /O /H HotasTMSUp BTN H2D /I /O /H HotasTMSDown BTN H2L /I /O /H HotasTMSLeft BTN H2R /I /O /H HotasTMSRight Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rem DMS Hat - Digital Stores Management Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTN H3U /I /O /H HotasDMSUp BTN H3D /I /O /H HotasDMSDown BTN H3L /I /O /H HotasDMSLeft BTN H3R /I /O /H HotasDMSRight Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rem CMS Hat - Countermeasures Management Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTN H4U /I /O /H HotasCMSForward BTN H4D /I /O /H HotasCMSAft BTN H4L /I /O /H HotasCMSLeft BTN H4R /I /O /H HotasCMSRights Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rem Pattle Switch - Toggle AutoPilot Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTN S4 q Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rem Throttle Switches Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rem T1 Mouse Control Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTN T1 /I /H MOUSE_RB /O Locktgt Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rem China Hat Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTN T8 /I /O /H HotasChinaHatForward BTN T7 /I /O /H HotasChinaHatAft Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rem Speedbrake Switch Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTN T9 /I /O /H HotasSpeedBrakeSwitchAft BTN T10 /I /O /H HotasSpeedBrakeSwitchForward Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rem Coolie Hat Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTN T2 /I /O /H HotasCoolieSwitchDown BTN T3 /I /O /H HotasCoolieSwitchUp BTN T4 /I /O /H HotasCoolieSwitchRight BTN T5 /I /O /H HotasCoolieSwitchLeft Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rem Antenna Range Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTN T6 CenterTrackir Rem ------------------------------------- Rem TDC Slew Rem ------------------------------------- MIX /I 6 23 (2 4 6 8 11 14 17 21 25 30 36 43 58 65 71 76 80 84 87 90 93 95 97 98) MSY(3-) MSY(3+) MSY(0) /O 3 HotasSlewLeft ^ HotasSlewRight MIY /I 6 23 (2 4 6 8 11 14 17 21 25 30 36 43 58 65 71 76 80 84 87 90 93 95 97 98) MSX(3-) MSX(3+) MSX(0) /O 3 HotasSlewDown ^ HotasSlewUp Rem ############################################## Rem Rem A-10C Warthog.tmm Rem for Rem DCS: Warthog Rem Rem by "Speedbrake" Rem Last modified: 28 mayo 2014, 1:46 am Rem Controllers: Thrustmaster Cougar Rem Rem ############################################## Rem USB (E7) rem right windowkey Rem USB (E3) rem left windowkey rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Custom Viper rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ejectsequence = KD (CTL) KD (e) KU (e) KD (e) KU (e) KD (e) KU (e) KU (CTL) TeamSpeak = USB (D64 U64) TeamSpeakDown = USB (D64) TeamSpeakUp = USB (U64) TS_VHF = USB (D64 U64) TS_VHF_Down = USB (D64) TS_VHF_Up = USB (U64) TS_UHF = MOUSE_MB Axis_Trim = TRIM(JOYSTICK, TO_CURRENT) Axis_Reset = TRIM(JOYSTICK, 0) Axis_Lock = LOCK(JOYSTICK, LASTVALUE) Axis_Unlock = UNLOCK(JOYSTICK) rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Cheat rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Autoexecutefullstartprocedure = USB (DE3 D4A U4A UE3) Autoexecutefullstopprocedure = USB (DE3 D4D U4D UE3) rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem General rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Endmission = ESC Pause = BRK Timeaccelerate = {LCTL z} Timedecelerate = {LALT z} Timenormal = {LSHF z} Scorewindow = ' Multiplayerchat-modeAll = \ Multiplayerchat-modeAllies = {RCTL \} Infobartoggle = {LCTL y} GetNewPlane-respawn = {RCTL RSHF Tab} ClickablemousecockpitmodeOn/Off = {LALT c} Screenshot = PRNTSCRN Frameratecounter-Serviceinfo = {RCTL BRK} Infobarcoordinateunitstoggle = {LALT y} ShowPilotBody = {RSHF p} Showcontrolsindicator = {RCTL ENT} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Systems rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cockpitdooropen/close = {RCTL c} Eject_3times = {LCTL e} SPU-9Radiocommunicatorselector = {LCTL LALT /} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem CHEAT rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ActivePause = {LSHF LWIN PAUSE} Explosion = {LSHF LCTL x} Levitation = {LALT h} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem COMMUNICATIONS rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AskAwacsAvailableTanker = {LWIN i} AskAwacsHomeAirbase = {LWIN u} AttackAirDefenses = {LWIN d} AttackGroundTargets = {LWIN g} AttackMyTarget = {LWIN q} CommunicationMenu = \ CoverMe = {LWIN w} WingmanCompleteMissionRtb = {LWIN e} WingmanCompleteMissionRejoin = {LWIN r} JoinUpFormation = {LWIN y} SwitchDialog = {LSHF \} ToggleFormation = {LWIN t} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem DEBUG rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ReloadCockpit = {LCTL r} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem FAC rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BinocularLaserIlluminationToggle = {LALT l} BinocularViewIRMode = {LWIN z} BinocularViewToggle = {LWIN b} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem FLIGHT CONTROL rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FlyPitchUp = UARROW FlyPitchDown = DARROW FlyRollLeft = LARROW FlyRollRight = RARROW ResetTrimmers = {LCTL t} RudderLeft = z RudderRight = x ThrottleCommonDown = KP- ThrottleCommonUp = KP+ ThrottleLeftDown = {RALT KP-} ThrottleLeftDownStep = {RSHF PGDN} ThrottleLeftUp = {RSHF KP+} ThrottleLeftUpStep = {RALT PGUP} ThrottleRightDown = {RSHF KP-} ThrottleRightDownStep = {RSHF PGDN} ThrottleRightUp = {RSHF KP+} ThrottleRightUpStep = {RSHF PGUP} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem GENERAL rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CoordinatesUnitsChange = {LALT y} Endmission = ESC Pause = BRK Timeaccelerate = {LCTL z} Timedecelerate = {LALT z} Timenormal = {LSHF z} Scorewindow = ' Multiplayerchat-modeAll = TAB Multiplayerchat-modeAllies = {RCTL \} Infobartoggle = {LCTL y} GetNewPlane-respawn = {RCTL RSHF TAB} ClickablemousecockpitmodeOn/Off = {LALT c} Screenshot = PRNTSCRN Frameratecounter-Serviceinfo = {RCTL BRK} Showcontrolsindicator = {RCTL ENT} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem HOTAS rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EmergencyDisconnectLever = {LALT e} GunTrigger_2 = SPC GunTrigger_1 = p HotasBoatSwitchAft = {RALT LARROW} HotasBoatSwitchCenter = {RALT DARROW} HotasBoatSwitchForward = {RALT RARROW} HotasCMSZaxis = - HotasCMSAft = 8 HotasCMSForward = 7 HotasCMSLeft = 9 HotasCMSRights = 0 HotasChinaHatAft = c HotasChinaHatForward = v HotasCoolieSwitchDown = j HotasCoolieSwitchLeft = h HotasCoolieSwitchRight = k HotasCoolieSwitchUp = u HotasDMSDown = END HotasDMSLeft = DEL HotasDMSRight = PGDN HotasDMSUp = HOME HotasLeftThrottleButton = q HotasMicSwitchAft = {LSHF KP-} HotasMicSwitchDown = {LALT KP-} HotasMicSwitchForward = {LALT KP+} HotasMicSwitchUp = {LSHF KP+} HotasMasterModeControlButton = m HotasNosewhellSteeringButton = INS HotasPinkySwitchAft = {LCTL p} HotasPinkySwitchCenter = {LSHF p} HotasPinkySwitchForward = {LALT p} HotasSlewDown = . HotasSlewLeft = , HotasSlewRight = / HotasSlewUp = ; HotasSpeedBrakeSwitchAft = {LCTL b} HotasSpeedBrakeSwitchForward = {LSHF b} HotasTMSDown = {LCTL DARROW} HotasTMSLeft = {LCTL LARROW} HotasTMSRight = {LCTL RARROW} HotasTMSUp = {LCTL UARROW} TrimLeftWingDown = {RCTL ,} TrimNoseDown = {RCTL ;} TrimNoseUp = {RCTL .} TrimRightWingDown = {RCTL /} WeaponRelease = {RALT SPC} Locktgt = ENT rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem LASTE CONTROL PANEL rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LAAPAltitudeBankHold = 4 LAAPAltitudeHeadingHold = 3 LAAPEngageDisengage = 1 LAAPPathHold = 2 rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem RUDDER rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rudderleft = z Rudderright = x rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem SENSORS rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ToggleGoggles = {RSHF h} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Labels rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AllLabels = {LSHF F10} AircraftLabels = {LSHF F2} MissileLabels = {LSHF F6} Vehicle&ShipLabels = {LSHF F9} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem STABILITY AUGMENTATION SYSTEM rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YawTrimLeft = {RCTL z} YawTrimRight = {RCTL x} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem SYSTEMS rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BeginRefuel = r Cockpitdooropen/close = {LCTL c} CockpitIllumination = l Eject_3times = {LCTL e} EmergencyGear = {RALT g} EmergencyWheelBrake = {RWIN w} EngineStart = {RWIN HOME} EngineStop = {RWIN END} FlapsDown = f FlapsUp = {LSHF f} HUDColor = {RCTL h} JettisonFuelTanks = {RALT r} JettisonWeapons = {LCTL w} LeftEngineStart = {RALT HOME} LeftEngineStop = {RALT END} ResetCurrentAudibleWarning = {RSHF n} RightEngineStart = {RCTL HOME} RightEngineStop = {RCTL END} StartStopResetFlightClock = {RWIN c} ToggleArrestorHook = {LALT g} ToggleGearLightNearFarOff = {RALT l} ToggleLandingGearDown = {LSHF g} ToggleLandingGearUp = {LCTL g} ToggleLandingGearUpDown = g ToggleNavigationLights = {RCTL l} ToggleRefuelingBoom = {LCTL r} ToggleSmoke = {LSHF t} WheelBrakeLeftOnOff = {LSHF w} WheelBrakeOnOff = w WheelBrakeRightOnOff = {LALT w} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem TEMPORAL rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LampsTest = {LSHF l} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem View rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ViewLeftslow = KP4 ViewRightslow = KP6 ViewUpslow = KP8 ViewDownslow = KP2 ViewUpRightslow = KP9 ViewDownRightslow = KP3 ViewDownLeftslow = KP1 ViewUpLeftslow = KP7 CenterView = KP5 Zoominslow = KP* Zoomoutslow = KP/ Zoomnormal = KPENT Zoomexternalin = {RCTL KP*} Zoomexternalout = {RCTL KP/} Zoomexternalnormal = {RCTL KPENT} F11cameramovingforward = {LALT KP*} F11cameramovingbackward = {LALT KP/} Objectsswitchingdirectionforward = {LCTL PGDN} Objectsswitchingdirectionreverse = {LCTL PGUP} Objectexclude = {LALT DEL} Objectsallexcluded-include = {LALT INS} F1Cockpitview = F1 F1Naturalheadmovementview = {LCTL F1} F1HUDonlyviewswitch = {LALT F1} F2Aircraftview = F2 F2Viewownaircraft = {LCTL F2} F2Togglecameraposition = {RALT F2} F2Togglelocalcameracontrol = {LALT F2} F3Fly-Byview = F3 F3Fly-Byjumpview = {LCTL F3} F4Lookbackview = F4 F4Chaseview = {LCTL F4} F4ArcadeChaseview = {LSHF F4} F5Airhostileview = F5 F5Groundhostileview = {LCTL F5} F6Releasedweaponview = F6 F6Weapontotargetview = {LCTL F6} F7Groundunitview = F7 F8Targetview = F8 F8Playertargets/Alltargetsfilter = {RALT F8} F9Shipview = F9 F9Landingsignalofficerview = {LALT F9} F10Theatermapview = F10 F10Jumptotheatermapviewovercurrentpoint = {LCTL F10} F11Airportfreecamera = F11 F11Jumptofreecamera = {LCTL F11} F12Staticobjectview = F12 F12Civiltrafficview = {LCTL F12} F12Trains/carstoggle = {LSHF F12} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem View Cockpit rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cockpitpanelviewin = KP0 Cockpitpanelviewtoggle = {RCTL KP0} SaveCockpitAngles = {RALT KP0} Viewup = {RSHF KP8} Viewdown = {RSHF KP2} Viewleft = {RSHF KP4} Viewright = {RSHF KP6} Viewupright = {RSHF KP9} Viewdownright = {RSHF KP3} Viewdownleft = {RSHF KP1} Viewupleft = {RSHF KP7} Fastcockpitkeyboard = {LSHF ]}j Slowcockpitkeyboard = {LCTL ]} Normalcockpitkeyboardspeed = {LALT ]} Fastcockpitmouse = {LSHF [} Slowcockpitmouse = {LCTL [} Normalcockpitmousespeed = {LALT [} Cameraviewup = {RCTL KP8} Cameraviewdown = {RCTL KP2} Cameraviewleft = {RCTL KP4} Cameraviewright = {RCTL KP6} Cameraviewup-left = {RCTL KP7} Cameraviewdown-left = {RCTL KP1} Cameraviewup-right = {RCTL KP9} Cameraviewdown-right = {RCTL KP3} Cameraviewupslow = {RALT KP8} Cameraviewdownslow = {RALT KP2} Cameraviewleftslow = {RALT KP4} Cameraviewrightslow = {RALT KP6} Cameraviewup-leftslow = {RALT KP7} Cameraviewdown-leftslow = {RALT KP1} Cameraviewup-rightslow = {RALT KP9} Cameraviewdown-rightslow = {RALT KP3} Centercameraview = {RSHF KP5} Returncamera = {RCTL KP5} Returncamerabase = {RALT KP5} SnapView0 = USB (DE3 D62 U62 UE3) SnapView1 = USB (DE3 D59 U59 UE3) SnapView2 = USB (DE3 D5A U5A UE3) SnapView3 = USB (DE3 D5B U5B UE3) SnapView4 = USB (DE3 D5C U5C UE3) SnapView5 = USB (DE3 D5D U5D UE3) SnapView6 = USB (DE3 D5E U5E UE3) SnapView7 = USB (DE3 D5F U5F UE3) SnapView8 = USB (DE3 D60 U60 UE3) SnapView9 = USB (DE3 D61 U61 UE3) Headshiftmovementon/off = USB (DE3 D3A U3A UE3) Zoomout = {RSHF KP/} Zoomin = {RSHF KP*} CockpitCameraMoveUp = {RCTL RSHF KP8} CockpitCameraMoveDown = {RCTL RSHF KP2} CockpitCameraMoveLeft = {RCTL RSHF KP4} CockpitCameraMoveRight = {RCTL RSHF KP6} CockpitCameraMoveForward = {RCTL RSHF KP*} CockpitCameraMoveBack = {RCTL RSHF KP/} CockpitCameraMoveCenter = {RCTL RSHF KP5} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem View Extended rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Camerajiggletoggle = {LSHF j} Keepterraincameraaltitude = {LALT k} Toggletrackingfireweapon = {RCTL KP+} Viewfriendsmode = {RCTL RSHF RALT f} Viewenemiesmode = {RCTL RSHF RALT d} Viewallmode = {RCTL RSHF RALT s} rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem View Padlock rem------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lockview_cyclepadlock = KP. Unlockview_stoppadlock = NUML Lockterrainview = {RCTL KP.} CenterTrackir = { KP9} Este es mi profile que he ido editando poco a poco. faltan muchas cosas aun por meter pero para empezar sirve 2 Citar Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Blackduke Publicado 1 de Junio del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 1 de Junio del 2014 Desde luego es una buena base de la que partir. Thanks. Citar Keep the Bastards Under PressureEntre tú y el Lider hay un contrato: él vuela; tú lo sigues. ¡Confías en que no meterá la pata! Eso es todo; si él vuela hacia un muro, tú con él. Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
sputnik Publicado 1 de Junio del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 1 de Junio del 2014 noooooooooooooooo veas lopez ¡¡¡ como se vé que que eres de los cursos del CCC jajaaaaaa Citar Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
Lopez Publicado 1 de Junio del 2014 Reportar Share Publicado 1 de Junio del 2014 El ant level lo uso para el zoom del trackir por cierto Citar Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
DEXTER Publicado 2 de Junio del 2014 Autor Reportar Share Publicado 2 de Junio del 2014 Guauuu ,tela, gracias Super lopez Citar Enlace al comentario Compartir en otros sitios web More sharing options...
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