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MC v3.12.0  http://www.weapondeliveryplanner.nl/files/mc/MC_ver0.

WDP v3.6.3  http://www.weapondeliveryplanner.nl/files/wdp/WDP3.6.3.7z



Aquí tenéis las ultimas actualizaciones de este pedazo-de cacho-de editor de misiones, y de planeamiento de misiones que el gran FALCAS mantiene muy vivitos y coleando!!!!!!



Sin hacer ni una lectura de los cambios, os lo posteo y ya hare los comentarios.





New Features and changes.

Weapon Delivery Planner 3.6.3
- Added, Option to show the other flights inside the package.
- Added, Line between Arrival and alternate airport (dashed line).
- Changed, When a line contacts a STPT where the Nr is located, the Nr is placed on the left.
- Fixed, when selection a formation for all STPTs, the last STPT was not changed.
- Added, For the flightplan, option to change between formation or swing check.
- Added, Selection of Formation or swing on the Datacard is saved to the backup file.
- Added, Selection of LAT/LONG or swing on the Coordinationcard is saved to the backup file.
- Added, New fields for EWS. (WDP remembers your setting when closing the program)
- Changed, Weapon part to show both Profile 1 and Profile 2.
- Added, New fields for Class, MAR, DR, DOR, FR and ROE. (WDP remembers your setting when closing the program)
- Changed, Flight part: Notes changed to "Conf-LSR" and "Mode23"
- Changed, When saving a backup of the datacard,the map will be saved in the same directory.
- Changed, Switching to a different flight will remember you changes.
- Fixed, When selecting a different flight redraws the map. 
- Changed, flight and package IDM nrs. They are now the ones the AI uses.
- Added, selection for TO spec. No need to go to the Performance tab to change.
- Added, a "*" is added in front of a callsign if the coordination card belongs to that flight.
- Added, Transition Alt for each flight.
- Changed, The holding point for a flight can be written as text. So you can also write: KSN Tacan.
- Changed, Holding STPT from "2" to "STPT 2" 
- Added, Standaard QNH. Depending on selection of "M/SM" switch.
- Changed, Holding alt is written in FL or feet depending on transition level.
- Added, Spins fields.
- Added, Option to load pictures for the Reform Plan, Holding Plan, Ingress Plan and Target Plan.
- Added, Swing check can be done with coordinates or brg/dist. Click on the top of the table to change.
- Fixed, Ripple values.
- Changed, Cruise alt is updated when using enter key.
- Added, when loading a mission, the STPT-2 alt is transfered to the cruise alt.
- Fixed, Corrected map position when using large map.
- Fixed, Corrected map position when using large map.
- Fixed, Corrected map position when using large map.
- Fixed, populating the objective list.



New Features and Changes

- Changed, The map is load in the background while the program starts.
- Added, File menu (removed Open file buttons)
- Changed, When loading the second mission, MC will check if the same map needs to be loaded or not. This speeds up loading.
- Added, The CampId is added to the popup label when you hit a unit with the cursor.
- Added, option to show each seperate Squadron type.
- Changed, New icon made by Scuby.
- Added, Multiline select to delete more than one Squadron. 
- Fixed, when squadron patches shown directly.
- Added, Multiline select to delete more than one Unit.
- Added, Orders to unit list.
- Added, Option to resupply the SAM battalions in steps of 20%.
- Added, Colors depicting wpns in store. High, Med, Low, Out.
- Fixed, When activating an inactive Squadron, it will be added to the SquadronInfo.(Campaign tab)
- Fixed, When changing an aircraft type of an inactive Squadron, it will be added to the SquadronInfo.(Campaign tab)
- Added, When setting a squadron Active/Inactive, it will be added/removed from the SquadronInfo. (Campaign tab)
- Added, ability to set Orders.
- Changed, Enabled the option to set the owner.
- Changed, Re-enabled the orders.
Advanced Unit options
- Added, For some battalion/brigade functions reports are saved as text files in the log directory.
- Added, Multiline select to delete more than one Objective.
- Added, Multiline select to delete more than one ObjectiveDelta.
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