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RwR y sus ambiguedades


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mmm si esto estubiera simulado :D to chungo jajaj




Aquí se ve vamos a decir los rangos de frecuencia por lo que si os fijáis un F16 se podría confundir con un Aim120!!!!! , todos los cuadrados que se tocan evidentemente son zonas ambiguas :D



In this example, we can understand why it is not possible to have everything in the library, and why the most we have, the higher the ambiguities between systems will be.

Here we can see that depending on actual radiating spec and depending on how they are measured by RWR, an AIM120 can be displayed as F-16, a MIG29 displayed as F-16 or M2000 ... why a SA2 (FAN SONG) can be confused with a FLAT FACE (used as EWR in SA3 battery) ... which can be confused with an SA6 ... but no ambiguity for the LOW BLOW here, except if there is any other emitter radiating in one of the same combinations of spec than the LOW BLOW, in that case, the antenna will be seen and displayed as a LOW BLOW even if just a simple GSM relay.

Imagine if we feed the library with all known systems and in all modes the amount of false detections! In some cases, not feeding all mode: i.e. just feeding the F16 in TWS mode, could avoid the ambiguity with the AIM120 ... but in that case, any F16 going into STT mode could be seen be the RWR as an AIM120! ... again ... note that it is just for example.

So you can better understand why an RWR can't say the absolute truth.

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Mola el grafico...

Hay mas parametros que entran en juego, que diferencian las emisiones, incluso con la misma frecuencia. Es como se discriminan unas de otras.

Si que es cierto que los radares de barrido electronico actuales pueden entrar en ciertos modos que antiguamente daban warnings a los RWR y ahora no los dan... con lo que pueden llevar a equivocaciones,

Un saludo

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Bueno, lo de siempre ¿no?... 20 millas y al turrón.


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