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Simple Radio UP


Publicaciones recomendadas

Nueva actualización





  • Added Minimise to Tray feature (and option)
  • Added option to enable/disable the DCS controlled Push To Talk
  • Added option to always allow SRS controls for radio switch
  • Externalised sound files (make sure to use the installer!) to allow customisation
  • Tweaked Encryption audio volume
  • Exposed more settings to tweak in .cfg for advanced users
  • Windows 10 restart bug fixed - no need to restart every 30 days or so...
  • Added ability to use SRS without a mic (if you just want to listen)
  • Added AM/FM radio modulation for Harrier via UFC
  • Many other minor bugs fixed! Probably some added....

Ya actualizado en el Server.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nueva Actualización






  • Bug fix for steel series (and possibly other headsets) - thanks to pdxmholmes
  • Bug fix for crash caused by Awacs panel when closing SRS - thanks to Morpheus
  • Hornet addition!
  • A10C now uses DCS ingame hotkeys by default - use always allow SRS hotkeys to override
  • Fix for SRS hotkey override

Ya actualizado en Server

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  • 1 month later...

Nueva Actualización





  • A10C Switched back to HOTAS by default - change _data.control = 1 in DCS-SimpleRadioStandalone.lua to change back
  • Addition of External AWACS / GCI Mode (EAM) - requires enabling server side and the correct password
  • Addition of connected and ingame counts
  • Added Server .cfg option to change JSON export path
  • Added beta opt in option (allows you to be alerted of beta updates)
  • Added simultaneous transmission to AWACS panel - turn on Simultaneous transmission, select the radios to transmit on and press the PTT (not radio switch as PTT button)
  • Graceful handling of unplugged inputs
  • Only allow one SRS instance to be run at one time
  • Better warning / handling for incorrect server version
  • Removed extra harrier radio - now has the correct amount as both radios function

Ya actualizado en Server.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nueva actualización





  • Fix for - we will never speak of this release again :P
  • EAM Name Fix
  • Option to allow multiple SRS instances to launch
  • Fix for Server for old clients connecting and causing issues (Recommend all servers to upgrade to this version)
  • Prompt for Autoconnect if the Advertised server differs
  • Check for corrupted config
  • Fix for Hornet for latest DCS patch (Release & Beta)

Ya actualizado en Server.

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Nueva actualización



  • Added connection status indicators - Now tracks game export and game gui broadcasts to signal fully working DCS connection as well as VOIP and Server TCP connection status
  • EAM name should no longer be overwritten
  • Fixed for concurrent access bug causing excessive logging (and other issues) - This release is backwards compatible but it's recommend all servers to update to this version when possible!
  • Added Yak 52 support and expansion radios - Requires always allow SRS hotkeys to be on to be used
  • Added expansion radios to L39 - Requires always allow SRS hotkeys to be on to be used
  • Added basic log rotate
  • Improved Installer Saved Games checker logic to make sure saved games folder is used

Ya actualizado en el server.

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  • 1 month later...

Nueva Versión





  • Fix for connect / disconnect button state - thanks to @giupo
  • Addition of connect / disconnect sound effects
  • Fix for cfg command line option
  • Digitally signed!
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  • 2 months later...

Nueva Versión





  • Fix for memory leak for long VoIP Transmissions - Thanks to @rkusa
  • Addition of Hoggit A4 (Works the same as other FC3 but with correct radio & limits) - Well done guys!

Actualizado en Server

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nueva versión





  • Updates to add C101CC & EB
  • Added Rescan Inputs button on SRS - allows newly plugged in devices to be used without restarting SRS
  • Addition of Optional Start Menu entries to be added by the installer
  • New Server Side option - Allow Encryption. If its disabled - users cannot use radio encryption (Coalition Security is unaffected). Added to stop abuse / accidental channel blocking

Thanks to you all for the support - SRS Team (MorpheusXAUT and Ciribob)

DCS / VR Overlay & Overlay Configuration

The overlay has 4 states, hidden, small, small+volume & full that you can see by pressing Left Control + Left Shift + Escape by default.

The Full state has a title bar that you can click and drag the window around with. The window position will be saved for when DCS is next opened.

The radio status is removed after 5 seconds if SRS is closed or loses server connection

To configure the overlay hotkey, run DCS once to create a config file in Saved Games\DCS\Config which will look something like so and quit DCS:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nueva versión



  • Updates to add CEII
  • Fix for DCS / VR overlay opacity



To install or update, extract ALL the files from the zip into a folder and just run the installer which'll replace any previous version installed automatically



KNOWN BUG: If you get lag while using the radio, press L Ctrl + L Shift + L to fix. This is a DCS bug i'm trying to work around and triggered by pressing L Ctrl + L. It doesnt matter if that key is bound or not, it'll still cause lag when you press it





Es mejor ser rey de tu silencio que esclavo de tus palabras ........(William Shakespeare)

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  • 1 month later...

Actualizado a desde el mismo día que salio la update, pero se me paso anunciarlo por aquí.



  • Addition of Mig-19
  • Addition of P51D variant
  • Swapped Radios on Viggen
  • Fix for Volume on A10C
  • Updated Help text for DCS Overlay in Help section
  • Fix for rounding issue on UHF Gazelle radio - now 3 decimal places!
  • No updated for F-14 as its already supported  Well done HB!



IP: srs.servidorgcv.com


Un saludo.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Actualizado a versión




  • rolled back JSON library
  • rolled back network library
  • removed fallback for old Voice Packet




Es mejor ser rey de tu silencio que esclavo de tus palabras ........(William Shakespeare)

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Actualizado a version




  • Fix for intermittent radio comms on EAM mode (and possibly FC3) - Massive thanks to =DFA= FixieRider & Morpheus for this
  • Added -cfg command line option for servers to reference a different cfg file
  • Added audio effect to intercom






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Es mejor ser rey de tu silencio que esclavo de tus palabras ........(William Shakespeare)

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  • 1 month later...

hola gente lo descargue y se aparecen muchas carpeta mi pregunta es como se intala gracias 

Simplemente tienes que tener un ejecutable para instalarlo, seleccionas donde quieres instalarlo y listo, abres el client y deberia funcionar perfectamente


PD: Yo lo tengo instalado en una carpeta dentro de la carpeta de DCS (no importa donde lo hagas, es por comodidad)

GCV_LOW.png.88e671fcde05d5c564324ac68faef12f.pngQA2oXJU.jpg ArnKbo3.jpgBW23_LOW.png.146fe06ce5f10a02a752edddcb999839.png

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  • 2 months later...

Buenas compañeros.


Después del vuelo de ayer tarde, se me paso por la cabeza que el Simple Radio no consume prácticamente nada de recursos.


Así que os he abierto un server con el Servidor del GCv.


IP: srs.servidorgcv.com





Probarlo y me decís si funciona correctamente, la configuración la podéis ver desde el cliente y si hay algo que no este bien ponerlo aquí.


Un saludo.



Actualizada direccion de conexion al sever (IP) copiar la nueva y sustituir la antigua.


Ver Primer Post, puesto que al editar y no generar mensaje nuevo, no aparece como actividad reciente.


Un saludo.

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Es mejor ser rey de tu silencio que esclavo de tus palabras ........(William Shakespeare)

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  • 1 month later...

Actualizada a Version



  • Addition of F16 - thanks to LazyBoots, Raffson and bubblefrog for their submissions. Please note - preset channel indicator will only show when you enable the backup controls for UHF and you can only enable guard with the backup controls


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  • 2 weeks later...

Actualizada a Version



  • Addition of F16 Secure comms only switch - thanks to bubblefrog
  • Fix for SRS for C101CC & EB
  • Addition of two new features to AutoConnect script for server owners - an automated message can be enabled as well as chat commands. See DCS-SRS-AutoConnectGameGUI.lua for more details and installation instructions for SERVER owners


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  • 3 weeks later...

Buenas a todos, se ha cambiado la dirección del servidor de SRS para que esté en la misma máquina que tenemos actualmente el campo de tiro y así liberar a los compañeros de GCV de que les parasitemos el servidor.


La nueva dirección es la siguiente:


La versión es la


El campo de tiro está configurado para que conecte este servidor de SRS automáticamente al entrar al mismo.


Flame si consideras oportuno, modifica el post inicial con estos cambios, gracias.

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Podéis comerme los huevos como si fueran un racimo de uvas.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ley esto hace días desde el movil, pero se me paso responderte.


Sientete libre de actualizar el post inicial tantas veces como quieras, o si quieres crear uno nuevo. Lo que prefieras, todo lo que necesites en post del Ala.


Actualizada IP y versión

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