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DCS: F-16C


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ED ha abierto en el foro un post sobre el F-16C, "parece" que por el titulo, va ha haber otra colaboración como la del F/A-18 entre ED y Belsimtek.



Ademas en el video del comerciál salido hoy, aparece el F-16C entre los futuros modulos de DCS World, junto al F-4E Phantom II, F-14 Tomcat, F/A-18C, Mil Mi-24P, P-47D Thunderbolt y varios mas.



• Exciting new aircraft coming to DCS World like the F-14 Tomcat, F/A-18C Hornet, F-16C, F-4E Phantom II, Mi-24P Hind, P-47D Thunderbolt, and many more!
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  • 2 weeks later...

borran el f16 de newsletter,, lo vuelven a poner, unos dicen que es mentira los moderadores dicen que es verdad...nada oficial en condiciones.... la comunicación de ED es awesome....


Es muy posible que no se sepa nada del F-16 mientras el F/A-18C esté en desarrollo, por lo que haya o no noticias es lo usual. Recordemos que con el Hornet / NTTR / Normandia / Hormuz, ect paso exactamente lo mismo y cierta parte de la comunidad no salía del "vaporware as usual". La situación es similar también con el F-4E / Mi-24 / AH-1 de Belsimtek.

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  • 9 months later...
Del newsletter de hoy gran cantidad de información, incluyendo que el F-16 seguirá un proceso similar al de F/A-18C Block 20 Hornet en su desarrollo, una salida anticipada y un modo de mantenimiento en el que se añadirán el resto de sistemas. Ya está trabajando un pequeño equipo en el modelo 3D externo e interno, sistema de control de vuelo y modelo de vuelo, a medida que los diferentes ingenieros del F/A-18C vayan completando sus tareas, pasarán a implementar funcionalidad en el Falcon.
El modelo el el F-16C Block 50 con la actualización CCIP de la USAF y la guardia aerea nacional de estados unidos (ANG). Entre las novedades tenemos la integración del visor del casco con el pod de HARM, el link 16 y el AIFF (Sistema de identificación avanzado amigo enemigo / Mode 5 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe (AIFF) de la USAF, el pod AN/ASQ-213 para el HARM, pod de designación avanzado Sniper XR, los soportes avanzados BRU-57/A, los misiles aire superficie AGM-158/A JASSM  y los señuelos remolcados AN/ALE-50.
Por supuesto, esto es solo un plan, no es una linea de tiempo, sujeto a cambios y no escrito en piedra.
DCS: F-16C Update
As mentioned in our yearly wrap up, one of our biggest projects for this year is the legendary F-16C Fighting Falcon, also called the Viper. In parallel with the Hornet, we already have a sub-team working on the Viper that includes programmers who have completed their Hornet tasks. Much of their focus is currently on the flight model, Flight Control System (FLCS), cockpit and the external model. Using much of what we learned with the Hornet, progress has been good, and is in no way slowing down Hornet completion.
As we pour the concrete, we can start to pass along some of our plans. Please remember they are plans, not timeline promises.
Our Viper will be an F-16C with the Common Configuration Implementation Program (CCIP) upgrade. We feel this to be the most versatile version of the F-16 with capabilities for SEAD, precision attack, close air support, anti-ship, and of course air-to-air. We will be taking great care though to develop a very accurate simulation of the F-16C Block 50 operated by the United States Air Force and Air National Guard circa 2007.
Core systems of our F-16C include:
F-110-GE-129 turbofan engine
AN/APG-68(V)5 multi-mode radar
AN/ALR-56M Radar Warning Receiver
AN/ALQ-131/184 ECM pods
CCIP (Common Configuration Implementation Program) update
ALE-47 countermeasure system
This will be a massive project, so we will separate it into two phases: Phase 1 Early Access release and then Phase 2 Product Sustainment.
Phase 1 Early Access Release:
Color Multifunction Display (CMFD) symbology, Horizontal Situation Display (HSD) format, and Head-up Display (HUD) symbology
Digitally TACAN and Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI)
BDU-33, BDU-50LD/HD, Mk-82LDGP, Mk-82AIR, Mk-84LDGP, BLU-109/B, CBU-87 CEM, and CBU-97 SFW unguided bombs
2.75†rockets LAU-68 and LAU-131
Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS)
AIM-9L/M/P/X Sidewinder
M61A1 20mm cannon
Phase 2 Product Sustainment:
Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS)
Link 16 Data Link
AGM-65D/G/H/K Maverick
AN/ASQ-213 HARM Targeting System (HTS)
Sniper XR Advanced Targeting Pod
GBU-10, GBU-12, GBU-24A/B laser-guided bombs
BRU-57/A Smart Rack
CBU-103 CEM and CBU-105 SFW Inertially Aided Munitions (IAM)
GBU-31/A, GBU-32, and GBU-38/B JDAM
AGM-154/A and /B JSOW
Integration of the JHMCS with the HARM Targeting System (HTS), Link 16, and AIFF
ALE-50 towed decoy
As this project accelerates, we will be providing updates to keep you abreast of our progress to this much awaited addition to DCS World.


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  • 3 months later...

Segun Wags, todo es operacional y en el simulador

Nothing in the image is placeholder. All is operational and in the game.

As mentioned earlier, our work on the Hornet has allowed us to much more rapidly develop the Viper. Work began only in October of last year.

More news tomorrow...


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Información del F-16CM Block 50
Pre-Order DCS: F-16C Viper On 22 May 2019 and Save 20%
The amazing F-16C is coming to DCS World! Pre-order it next week on 22 May and save 20%. Early access is planned for the beginning of autumn 2019.
The F-16C is a single seat, single engine multirole fighter that was developed in the 1970s. More than 4,500 units were manufactured and are operated today by 26 countries where the aircraft performs numerous missions that include air superiority, close air support, precision bombing, air defense suppression, reconnaissance and more. Few other aircraft can match its versatility, maneuverability, firepower, and huge production numbers.
Nicknamed the Viper by its pilots, the F-16 was designed with a reclined seating position for high G tolerance and a single-piece bubble canopy for exceptional visibility and comfort. Its lightweight and powerful F-110-GE-129 engine provides a greater than 1:1 thrust ratio.
Housed in the nose of the Viper is a multifunction APG-68(V)5 radar. The aircraft can also be equipped with multiple sensors such as the Sniper XR targeting pod and HARM Targeting System (HTS).
The Viper is armed for air-to-air combat with Sidewinders, AMRAAMs, and an internal 20mm 6-barrel Gatling gun. It can also be loaded with a wide range of air-to-ground weapons that include general purpose bombs, rockets, canister munitions, Mavericks, laser- and GPS-guided bombs, and more. The F-16 provides endless gameplay in DCS World!
Key Features of DCS: F-16C Viper
Professional Flight Model (PFM) and authentic fly-by-wire Flight Control System (FCS).
The most realistic model of the F-16C imaginable, down to each bolt and flake of paint, animated controls surfaces, lights, damage model, and landing gear.
Detailed simulation of the Viper’s many sub-systems like engines, fuel, electrical, hydraulic, radios, lighting, emergency, and many, many more. Although features like "auto start" are available, the sense of accomplishment cannot be overstated while learning to operate this state-of-the-art machine.
Dozens of air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons and sensors. From simple rockets to high-tech GPS and laser-guided bombs, experience what only F-16C pilots have experienced ‘til now.
A highly realistic and exhaustively researched cockpit that is mouse interactive with 6-degrees of freedom. Interact with the cockpit by pressing buttons and moving switches. You will feel like part of the aircraft with our Advanced Systems Modeling (ASM).
Authentic F-16C sounds.
Virtual Reality support. Take advantage of the latest VR technologies to immerse yourself in the simulation. Other than the G's, you will feel like you are there!
Multiple liveries for the United States Air Force and Air National Guard, Air Force, Turkey, Greece, Israel, and others.



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Ya está la sección del F-16C abierta, Lista de equipamiento y armamento (sujeto a cambios).
Our Viper will be an F-16C with the Common Configuration Implementation Program (CCIP) upgrade. We feel this to be the most versatile version of the F-16 with capabilities for SEAD, precision attack, close air support, anti-ship, and of course air-to-air. We will be taking great care though to develop a very accurate simulation of the F-16C Block 50 operated by the United States Air Force and Air National Guard circa 2007.
Core systems of our F-16C include:
F-110-GE-129 turbofan engine
AN/APG-68(V)5 multi-mode radar
AN/ALR-56M Radar Warning Receiver
AN/ALQ-131/184 ECM pods
CCIP (Common Configuration Implementation Program) update
ALE-47 countermeasure system
This will be a massive project, so we will separate it into two phases: Phase 1 Early Access release and then Phase 2 Product Sustainment.
Phase 1 Early Access Release:
Color Multifunction Display (CMFD) symbology, Horizontal Situation Display (HSD) format, and Head-up Display (HUD) symbology
Digitally TACAN and Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI)
BDU-33, BDU-50LD/HD, Mk-82LDGP, Mk-82AIR, Mk-84LDGP, BLU-109/B, CBU-87 CEM, and CBU-97 SFW unguided bombs
2.75†rockets LAU-68 and LAU-131
Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS)
AIM-9L/M/P/X Sidewinder
M61A1 20mm cannon
Phase 2 Product Sustainment:
Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS)
Link 16 Data Link
AGM-65D/G/H/K Maverick
AN/ASQ-213 HARM Targeting System (HTS)
Sniper XR Advanced Targeting Pod
GBU-10, GBU-12, GBU-24A/B laser-guided bombs
BRU-57/A Smart Rack
CBU-103 CEM and CBU-105 SFW Inertially Aided Munitions (IAM)
GBU-31/A, GBU-32, and GBU-38/B JDAM
AGM-154/A and /B JSOW
Integration of the JHMCS with the HARM Targeting System (HTS), Link 16, and AIFF
ALE-50 towed decoy
As this project accelerates, we will be providing updates to keep you abreast of our progress to this much awaited addition to DCS World.


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¿Oís eso? Es el ruido de la avalancha de pilotos del Ala Falcon corriendo a instalar DCS. 

(...en realidad era mi estómago... creo que se me ha cortado la digestion con la noticia  :D )


Pero vamos, que si empezamos a correr ya, pa cuando lo saquen vamos a estar todos molidos de tanto correr!!!!!!


Eso si... para hacer tiempo...podéis ir aprendiendo a volar un Viper si os pasáis una temporadita al Ala Falcon...  :devil:


Seguramente lo aprendido no lo podréis poner en practica en DCS durante algún tiempo... pero seguro que son solo unas 3 o 4 semanitas de nada...  -_-

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No si en DCS estamos bastante entretenidos con el bizcocho. Yo el viper lo empezaré a disfrutar cuando migren los instructores de Falcon y me den clases.


Hasta entonces, pies mojados.

Podéis comerme los huevos como si fueran un racimo de uvas.


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¿Ese mapa es el Cáucaso? Porque esa ciudad tan grande al lado del mar no me suena de nada... Salvo que sea Sochi.


El F16 la verdad es que no me parece de una calidad similar a la del Hornet. Igual es la iluminación.

Podéis comerme los huevos como si fueran un racimo de uvas.


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¿Ese mapa es el Cáucaso? Porque esa ciudad tan grande al lado del mar no me suena de nada... Salvo que sea Sochi.


Es Beirut del mapa de Siria...



Posiblemente sea la iluminación.

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