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DCS Update 29 de Enero

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29 January 2008


A new month, a new update. Since my last update, I’m afraid that there is not a whole lot of interesting news to pass along. However, things are progressing well and we’re still on track for a release later this year (sorry, I cannot be more specific than that). Here’s a run down of what’s currently going on:


1- Much of the team is devoted to creating and debugging the DCS interface screens. In fact, some of the art team usually assigned to object creation is now focused on this task.

2- DirectX 9 debugging is nearing completion. As mentioned earlier, the purpose of this switch was to solve problems with full shadows using current drivers.

3- Mission and campaign creation, this is a big one. The mission editor and campaign editor tools are complete enough now that we have begun mission content iteration now.

4- Translation of the flight manual to German and Spanish. These teams are also testing the manual against the software to make sure everything is matching up. At this point, I doubt we’ll be shipping a French version.

5- External modders are primarily working on skin textures and modifying/improving airbases.

6- Work continues on debugging the Ka-50 avionics systems.

7- Testers are primarily focused on mission editor, campaign, AI and network testing.


We hope to be testing the next beta sometime in mid-February and after that I should be able to create the next producer’s note video.


So, not a huge or particularly interesting update, but things are moving forward.


Thanks for your support,


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... qué es eso del DCS. :shock: :shock:


Como dice Jemcfv, la empresa que lo está haciendo.. :D


Enfadao :x porque se están retrasando mas de un año sobre la fecha prevista en un principio de lanzamiento :x :x


Optimista :roll: porque parece que se estan interesando en entregar un producto con un minimo de calidad aceptable y no que los usuarios hagan de betatesters (a mi no me importaria... :roll: )


Contento :D si todo esto sirve para que se beneficie de la última tecnologia que se esta desarrollando (aqui no se si se quedan con el dx9 o aprovechará el dx10 :?: )


Salu2 8)



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