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Presentación de DCS World (DCSW)


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Pues que damos un paso más y nos presentan, sin fecha de lanzamiento, DCS World...


DCS World is a single, unified core for all DCS products to operate within. Rather than separate installations for each DCS products, the single DCS world interface allows the user to access all of their DCS products in a common user interface. DCS world also includes a DCS News service and will allow users to purchase DCS titles through the interface at a later point.


DCS World will be updated as DCS evolves with changes to the rendering system, AI units, AI logics, effects, etc. All aspect of the simulation, outside the flyable aircraft, add-on maps, and other paid-for content.


The current DCS World is still in beta and will evolve over time with new features.


The initial DCS World comes with a free flyable aircraft, the Su-25T (exported from Flaming Cliffs 2).


Quiere decir, mas o menos, que van a coger todos los simuladores de DCS y los van a enlazar a traves de un solo programa que actuará como nucleo común, de forma que estos serán meros módulos que se irán añadiendo, y que mas adelante, incluso se puedan comprar a traves de su propia interface.


Me parece bien la idea,...como tambien me pareció bien la primera vez que la lanzaron, antes del BS...FC...que yá hace unos cuantos años en http://www.thebattlesim.com/index.php?lang=en , aunque quizas este sea aún mas ambicioso, ya que tambien incluye unidades navales y terrestres.


Fecha de lanzamiento...desconocida, pero dicen que pronto. Como "regalo" de lanzamiento, incluye una versión gratuita del Su-25T, con cabina completa 6 DOF, lo que no indica es si estará a la altura del detalle del Ka-50/A-10C en cuanto a nivel de sistemas.


Salu2 8)



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Pues no, del caza nada...sera Stealth? :P


La cosa es que me huelo que si "regalan" el Su-25T (que no deja de ser un copy/paste del FC2), es por que en cierto modo les falta un contrincante del A-10...de la misma forma que cuando sacaron el Ka-50 el siguiente en la lista era el AH-64.


Recuerdo esas partidas multi en el Hyperlobby, que era una especie de capturar la bandera pero con aerodromos y solo Su-25 vs A-10...


Salu2 8)



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La verdad.... es muy buena noticia. Ahora cada aparato que compremos será como instalar un addons....nuestros discos duros agradecidos. También es un adiós a las incompatibilidades, ahora si podremos volar todos en el mismo entorno. Sería muy bueno poder tener el FC3, desarrollar misiones mucho mas complejas y con un amplio abanico de alternativas...odio volar con la IA. Me da igual que los f-15/M29/Su27 no estén simulados al nivel de el Bs y A10. Tendremos mucha mas interacción e inmersión en las misiones.


En cuanto al futuro F-1#, se me ocurren 2 o 3 posibilidades:


1- Lo están desarrollando para alguna compañia militar y no sueltan la información porque no saben si será factible hacer una versión civil para nosotros.


2- Desarrollando en forma preliminar distintos aviones(cazas) y estén esperando cerrar algún acuerdo con una compañia militar para decantarse por alguno.


3- Se están rascando las bolas.....dios quiera que no.



En fin....me alegro mucho y tenemos un esperanzador futuro.


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  • 2 months later...

Nueva versión disponible


DCS World 1.2.0


Digital Combat Simulator World (DCS World) is a FREE, unified interface for all DCS products; you can think of DCS World as a simulation operating system. DCS modules that plug into DCS World can include aircraft, maps, ground units, campaigns, etc. Not only can DCS World include modules developed internally by Eagle Dynamics, but it can also include those by certified third party developers.


DCS World also includes a FREE Su-25T attack aircraft with missions and a campaign.


DCS World not only includes the Graphical User Interface (GUI) that ties all DCS products together in a single installation, but it also includes the global aspects of the simulation world that pertains to all modules. This includes such items at the Artificial Intelligence (AI), rendering system, mission editor, effects, AI units, semi-dynamic campaign system and audio environment.


Other items of DCS World include:

• News feed of DCS products and events

• Selectable wall paper

• Free updates to keep DCS World current


Download DCS World and the free Su-25T from: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.co...os=137&lang=en


Changes since last version:

Fixed radio and trigger audio.

Rearm menu. If you do not manually clear the payload, the default loadout would be loaded. This is now fixed.

Training links for English version added.

Bunkered ZU-23 rotating 180 degrees after exit has been corrected.

Added sound support for modules via SND_add/del_wave/proto_path() API.

Fixed sound busy wait on streaming sources.

Challenger-2 tank bounding box correction.

Su-25T. Simulator crash after exit from damaged aircraft.

AI aircraft would taxi to the parking ramp and stop even if one or more player-to-aircraft jumps occur.

Adjusted digital filter code. Added two new functions to access new internal data.

R-60 missiles are now aligned correctly on Su-25T weapon pylons.

P-51D and A-10C. Two pilots ejecting from aircraft has been fixed.

Better security for IWorldNet::registerSerial.

Quickstart dialog bug fix.

Added Su-25T training images.

Debug input removed.

Installer pictures were exclusively of the P-51D. Fixed.

DCS World Uninstall menu said DCS-51D. Fixed.

The training descriptions for the Su-25Т has been added.

Removed serial number edit boxes from master dialogs.

GUI updated.

Removed A-10C text from "About" text.

Video player fixed.

Russian pilot and ATC speech were absent. Fixed.

Surface impact check by using collision model, double speed of integration after jumping to aircraft is fixed.

Access to external lights from avionics LUA Device.

Ejected AI pilot resulting in critical damage is fixed.

MP player loss was counted 2 times if damaged is fixed.

SAM's priorities has been tuned for Tunguska missile fix (bug with fast moving targets.

Trigger "GroupDead" may break if Group name contains a dot ".".

Adjusted life of hardened objects.

Molniya search radar type has been changed to MULTYROLE.

Neustrshimyi gun dependence has been disabled and angle limits have been tuned.

Tomahawk missile target assignment fixed.

Tunguska ATGM typed missile launcher gets target priorities as SAM.

Patriot system failed to engage aircraft at very low altitude. Fixed.

Chaparral rotation fixed.

Buk launcher constant invisible rotation fixed.

AI ATGM accuracy being too low. Fixed.

AK-100 PIDs is fixed.

Ground units aiming delay calculation fixed.

Adjusted roads.

Fixed gyro power source initialization.

Options panel redesign.

No sound when refueling on the ground has been fixed.

If ammunition amount on the warehouse is zero, only one SPPU-22 pod can be loaded. Fixed.

C-130 and IL-76MD no longer deploy drag-chute on landing.

Updated version on splash screen.

Oliver Perry FFG damage corrected.

Increased building damage levels by 10x.

Changed default FOV of Su-25T view from 80 to 90 degrees.

Improved grass clutter.

Unlimited resources shown as '0' in resource manager.

ALT-J for aircraft, enters aircraft and switches engines off and raises gear when on the ground. Fixed.

RALT+J crash when switching from KA-50 to SU25T. Fixed.

Fix a bug in Lochini taxiway.

Su-25T: Min and Max range carets for weapon delivery missing from HUD. Fixed.

Snapview saving was broken. Fixed.

Su-25T: Ventilator bracket disappeared when canopy closed.

AI fire at point broken for waypoint actions and triggered actions has been resolved.

Wingmen radio message "Rolling" is given on engine start up. Fixed.

"Airborne" radio does not include aircraft number to Message. It also uses the flight leads VO for all messages. Fixed.

Su-25T: Keyboard commands for Active pause and ALT-B briefing were missing. Fixed.

Dynamic weather defaults to high pressure anti-cyclone pressure values, showing the low pressure cyclone option. Fixed.

Su-25T: Right Cockpit panel texture was from the Su-25 and not Su-25T. Fixed.

Crash when padlocking terrain from within cockpit, citing edterrain.dll. Fixed.

Added option for "Allied Flight Reports" in Gameplay options.

AI helicopters ignored client aircraft in multiplayer. Fixed.

"Unit Inside Moving Zone" trigger instantly gave true even if the set unit wasn't inside the zone. Fixed.

Refueling and rearming did not operate consistently. Fixed.

Activating groups after a client joins and using "Visible Before Start", caused massive warping in Multiplayer. Fixed.

Town substrate floated above terrain near Sukhumi. Fixed.

Vazlani airbase hanger LODs were broken. Fixed.

Su-25T: Damage model was missing some textures. Fixed.

Mission Planner allowed editing of enemy unit triggered actions - enemy could be set to destroy themselves. Fixed.

SA-11 BUK group expended missiles very wastefully on the same target. Tweaked.

If the player RALT-Jed into an Su-25T, the flight model was very exaggerated in performance - flew like time was set to x2. Fixed

AI would at times fly into the ground to avoid missiles. Fixed.

New hardened aircraft Shelter model by Luckybob9 added.

Converted Communications Tower M model for DCS added.

Burnt out train model fixed.

Su-25T RWR bug fixed.

Su-25T gear up/down sound distortion fixed.

SPPU-22 gunpods made no sound fixed.

Su-25T HUD missing compass tape fixed.

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http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1 ... stcount=26

atención, esto ya deja de ser una beta....

DCS World = Release. Full new install required.

All other modules relies on "DCS World" to work.

All other modules needs to be installed on the new "DCS World".


All modules should be at the same version.

P51D is still Beta.

A10C 1.2.0 is released (patch, but still require DCS World 1.2.0)

BS2 1.2.0 is released (patch, but still require DCS World 1.2.0)


I hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mas información del AFM


Originally Posted by armageddon

does ED support the 3rd party somehow by providing some development tools or such?


I am guessing Documentation and support on how to use the API for 3rd party FMs is all that is provided from ED. The 3rd party would be solely responsible for the actual FM - and ED supplies the interface for it to plug into.


Of course if a 3rd party want to use the SFM, I imagine it is a different matter.




Y a la pregunta de los asientos traseros en multicabina.....


Originally Posted by Ells228

By the way, if you fancy a ride in the back seat of my jet, I'd be happy to take you up. Just bring your sick bag


Counting down until people interpret this to mean you've figured out how to model the back seat


You figured out backseats??!!11 Share the knowledge


You should ask ED mi24.dll ?





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Otro interesante detalle encontrado revisando las imagenes en la carpeta de DCS......




Es una cantidad de botones no usados que parece ser han sido colocados para futuros updates, solo se puede especular.

- La flecha parece un boton para pasar varias paginas de información

- La "N" Podria ser teatros

- El camión ¿Suministros?

- SAMs ¿Sams pilotables?

- Vehiculo radar ¿ATCs?

- Misil ¿Misiles de crucero en vuelo?

- Tren cisterna ¿Trenes?

- Dos Botones inferiores (Parece conexión online)

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bueno, eso tambien pasa en Falcon :P hay un monton de cosas en mente, o eso parece viendo muchos documentos y codigo, pero luego hay cosas sin acabar... ni empezadas :D

Visita mi canal de Youtube: RevientorReborn

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Mas informacion sobre el AFM


There is no AFM code - there is an AFM API. 3rd Parties must write their own AFM, from scratch.




API (Application programming interface) is there - the FM that is plugged into it could be from NASA as far as the sim is concerned.


FM fidelity is entirely in the hands of the 3rd parties capabilities - there is no limit as far as DCS is concerned.




This. API only provides us the ability to get or send data to the sim that week need for our FM. Everything else is up to the developer. There are no tools or provided FM templates, or even direct help on making the FM. It is all up to the individual who is coding it to know how to calculate realistic forces and turn them into something that looks and feels right.


Because of this, you can expect widely varying FM fidelity results for the different teams or projects. While it may seem rough, it also provides the freedom to make any effect you want.


Edit: And yes, WIP just means that the input/output functions we are using are changing frequently as obstacles arise.

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