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Presentación de DCS World (DCSW)


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No, la cabina parece ser hecha enteramente por AVIA con Concord XXI, en lo de versión profesional es el software, posiblemente versión expecifica de DCS: W sobre los requerimientos de la compañia.

Pagina de AVIA: http://avia-ts.ua/

Pagina de Concord XXI: http://www.concordavia.com/

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  • 2 weeks later...
Del Facebook de Eagle Dynamics, por lo que se ve, ahora se pueden colocar ruedas y banderas para señalizar zonas de aterrizaje, las banderas se mueven y ondean en la dirección del viento.
The mark flags and tyres. Could be use for landing site markings.
Yes. Flags work as weathercock and fluttering


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Rebajas de verano en DCS: World


DCS World Summer Sale!

Summer is upon us and it’s time beat the heat with some new DCS modules! From Friday May 29th (00:30 Moscow time) to Monday June 8th (08:00 Moscow time), we will be offering 60% off on most DCS World modules. 
DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3: $39.99 to $15.99 (60% off)
DCS: A-10C Warthog: $39.99 to $15.99 (60% off)
DCS: Black Shark 2: $39.99 to $15.99 (60% off)
DCS: P-51D Mustang: $29.99 to $11.99 (60% off)
DCS: Fw 190 D-9 Dora: $49.99 to $19.99 (60% off)
DCS: Bf 109 K-4 KurfÁ¼rst: $49.99 to $19.99 (60% off)
DCS: Combined Arms: $19.99 to $7.99 (60% off)
F-15C for DCS World: $9.99 to $3.99 (60% off)
Su-27 for DCS World: $9.99 to $3.99 (60% off)
Su-27 The Ultimate Argument Campaign: $9.99 to $3.99 (60% off)
A-10A for DCS World: $9.99 to $3.99 (60% off)
Su-25 for DCS World: $9.99 to $3.99 (60% off)
DCS: MiG-15bis: $49.99 to $19.99 (60% off)
DCS: F-86F Sabre: $49.99 to $19.99 (60% off)
DCS: UH-1H Huey: $49.99 to $19.99 (60% off)
DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight: 49.99 to $19.99 (60% off)
DCS: C-101 Aviojet: $59.99 to $23.99 (60% off)
Hawk T.1A for DCS World: $39.99 to $15.99 (60% off)
DCS: MiG-21bis: $49.99 to $24.99 (50% off)



Editado por Silver_Dragon
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  • 3 weeks later...
Newsletter de junio de Eagle Dinamics. la mala noticia es que DCS: World 2 se vuelve a retrasar. La buena, los progresos en NTTR, Spitfire mk IX, el Mig-29 para FC-3, el L-39 Albatros y el F/A-18C.
DCS World 2 Status
Despite our best efforts over the past six months, DCS World 2 has not yet achieved the quality level and features that we require for an open alpha release. Rather than release an alpha version that is potentially a disappointment for many users, we feel it best to keep it in the oven a bit longer to bake it more thoroughly.  We fully realize that this is disappointing for some, but I can assure you that it pales in in comparison to our own. No one wishes to release our new baby out into the world more than us.
Some of the biggest remaining items that we need to address before an open alpha include:
New multiplayer GUI system that allows multiple players in the same aircraft and multiple player aircraft in the same flight. This is critical for multi-seat aircraft like the L-39, UH-1H, Hawk, etc.
Completing the move to use of a single executable. This will allow us to do long-desired features such as a satellite view in the Mission Editor, 3D objects in the Encyclopedia and Mission Editor, faster mission loading times, and a more stable product.
With the move to DX11, we are continuing to find ways to increase performance. This is even more important with the coming wave of VR gear that demands extremely high framerates.
We wish to improve several more of the effects before the open alpha. Although we have new smoke, contrails, lighting, shadow, and missile trail effects, there are more we wish to improve like better explosions and over-wing vapor.
Lastly, there are a few remaining crash bugs we need to resolve.
So, although we have been making tremendous progress in developing DCS World 2, there are a few more items that still need to be addressed in order to meet our quality standards. We can only ask for patience because we believe that it will all be worth the wait and DCS World 2 will usher in a new chapter in the world of Digital Combat Simulator.
DCS: Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR) Status
While much of the team has been hard at work on getting DCS World 2 ready, our map team and engineers have been busy improving the NTTR map and fixing bugs. While we have made the significant step of moving the map into full testing, there are several important areas that need to be addressed before we can release it as an open alpha to everyone. Some of these items include:
Functional Air Traffic Control
Ground unit road movement
Performance improvements
Static object issues
A couple of crash situations
When the map is available as an open Alpha, our plan is to still make this map available for free to those that purchased A-10C Warthog while it was in beta (prior to 21 February 2011). It will also be available for purchase from our e-shop for $39.99 USD.
The Spitfire has begun internal testing within DCS World. The Spitfire has progressed past the P-47 due to the level of info in ED's hands for the Spitfire while research continues on the P-47. The model has been added to DCS World internally and testing of the Merlin 66's performance has started; next will be the prop performance. The Spitfire version will be an early production Mark IXc LF with clipped wings. As a possible bonus, it's planned (but subject to change) to have the option to select the long wing version; however, you will lose the benefit of the clipped version and its roll rate.
MiG-29 for Flaming Cliffs 3
To round out the collection of updated aircraft for Flaming Cliffs 3, the team is working on updating the MiG-29. This will include both a new, high-resolution 6 DOF cockpit and a new external model. After the F-15C, Su-27 and Su-33 Professional Flight Models (PFM) are complete, we also plan a PFM for the MiG-29.
The MiG-29 will have the same level of cockpit systems fidelity as the other Flaming Cliffs aircraft.
This will be a free update for Flaming Cliffs 3 owners.
DCS: L-39 Albatros
The L-39C Albatros is making good progress with new cockpit systems being integrated on almost a daily basis. The new L-39C external model is also nearing completion (the L-39ZA is further behind) as well as the Professional Flight Model (PFM).
DCS: F/A-18C Hornet
Work continues on the building the Hornet cockpit and air-to-surface radar technology. Most of the recent cockpit work has involved texturing and animation of cockpit elements.



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Vale, parece que vuelven los "updates semanales", pero esta vez en versión de Streaming, este se subirá a Youtube.
]Weekly DCS World Stream
Dear all,
After the success of the Twitch Stream yesterday, we are going to attempt to do a weekly Twitch stream (when the software is cooperating and I am not traveling). Currently, I am thinking that it will be on Sundays at 1800 UTC time. With the kinks worked out, the streams will be archived for later viewing and users are free to re-broadcast.
It’s my hope that the first weekly stream will be this Sunday, 28 June.
I will also be doing an open Q&A on the channel chat the half hour prior to the stream starting.
More details to follow…


Tambien va ha haber una ronda de preguntas y respuestas media hora antes del comienzo del Stream.
Se pueden poner las preguntas aqui:
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a pelo del motor de DCS: W 2.0

Mientras, siguiente Stream de Wags en DCS: W 2.0 el Domingo 28 de Junio a las 18 horas UTC

The next stream will be a on Sunday, June 28th at 1800 UTC. Although there will probably be some new elements, this stream will for the most part duplicate the previous test stream now that we worked out some kinks. This time should also work better for most viewers.
This stream will also be archived for later viewing for those that cannot make it.

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No se sabe nada, se cree que van a mejorar porque va a tirar en Dx11 y aprovechará de la potencia de las aceleradoras graficas actuales (DCS: W 1 tiraba solo de CPU)


Ademas, lo que se puede ir comentando y sorpresitas que han pasado "desaparercibidas" en el Stream del 28 de junio.


1º El boton del gestor de modulos y las opciones ha sido movido a la parte superior y se ha reordenado el menu de la derecha



2º Wags tiene instalados en el nuevo module manages un F-5E y un F-15C hecho por Belsimtek (y eso que tiene instalado FC-3).



3º Nuevas opciones



4º Se ha añadido las ayudas de navegación al mapa del caucaso



5º Montones de nuevos paises y la primera aparición del estrecho de Hormuz en el selector de teatros del editor.



6º NTTR nevada ha sido extendido con respecto al primer Stream (le calculo 100-200 km o mas tanto hacia california como el gran cañon) y tambien por el norte y por el sur, pero no queda ahi la cosa. Wags habla que el mapa se va ha extender hasta la costa de california. Aun asi, habla abiertamente que NTTR pesará 64 Gbs...  :shock:



Comparatiba con el mapa de NTTR del Stream del dia 21 de junio, incluso las montañas del valle de la muerte (a la izquierda de las Vegas, han ganado en detalle).


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He revisado otra vez el Stream, y en el minuto 11:14 en adelante, wags habla tambien que despues de la salida de NTTR, el teatro seguirá teniendo actualizaciones, con mejoras de texturas, mallas de mayor resolición y nuevas bases aereas (como la Base aerea de Tonopa al noreste de NTTR). Otro punto que tambien comenta en la parte sur del mapa, al sur oeste de nevada donde se encuentra el National Training Center (Fort Irwin) en el desierto de Mojave, al norte de San Bernardino y que es la principal base de entrenamiento de la Us Army (quien se acuerde de M1 Tank platton y el 11th Regimiento de Caballeria Acorazada,  mas conocidos como la Blackhorse Cavalry / opposing force). Esta base se centrará en ser la zona de entrenamiento / misiones / campañas para Combined Arms. Otro lugar que se quiere detallar es el area de Sant George y su aeropuerto al norteste de las vegas. 

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Video oficial del Q&A subido por Bunyap previo al Streaming del 28 de Junio en el que Wags responde varias preguntas de la comunidad sobre el desarrollo de DCS: World.
En MudSpike se ha transcrito enteramente el Q&A, interesantes detalles.


Q&A section was recorded by ED I think, but here's a brief summary of what I remember (all paraphrased, accuracy mistakes are all mine):

Note to self: send @wagmatt an iTunes voucher, as he and his music library have been stuck in a well for over 20 years now.
Updated using @bunyap2w1's video info - thanks!
Q1: Will the ATC system be revamped?
A: Yes, Wags worked with both an F-18 and F-15 pilot to create a more realistic ATC system that is being implemented now. Different landings (emergency, break etc), frequencies, start-up controllers and wingmen. Focus of the team right now.
Q2. Will NTTR trees have collisions? How will they be handled?
A. Yes, with a single rectangular trunk polygon being solid. Whole forests (rather than urban trees that are more individually placed I guess) are still being worked on and might be done after launch though. Performance is important for this part.
Q3. What is the weather engine and what's due to be improved?
A. More realistic weather! Nicer clouds, dynamic high/low pressure systems. Support for turbulence, especially around mountains for updrafts etc.
Q4. How many more countries are being added to the Mission Editor?
A. A pretty extensive list of new countries will be shown in the stream, e.g. Iran, UAE etc. Many are placeholders rather than having skins/units done so far.
Q5. Will we see special target units on the NTTR?
A. Not really units, but the satellite terrain does have range/circles to use. The map will be hopefully expanded after release to include some more detailed around NTTR and the surrounding range and airports.
Q6. Size on disk of NTTR map?
A. About 46GB (forty six) for Nevada (Editor: so with DCS 1.0 full at about 27GB, buy stock in SSD makers)
Q7. Possible to fly multiple players in one package, plus AI take the lead?
A. Yes! In multiplayer the player doesn't need to be lead. Can be any member of the four-ship with an AI lead. Great for datalink systems and more realistic sharing.
Q8. What is the model vis option for? Is the 'smart scaling' (called 'Model Visibility' in the config of DCS 2) a LOD system of seeing aircraft closer (as an option)?
A. Not really model scaling, it's more just an icon that scales. When an object goes to a single pixel, say, this icon helps other aircraft visibility (if that option is on, it's optional). Great for the WWII aircraft.
Q9. Will the existing free Black Sea/Caucasus map have collisions on trees?
A. Unlikely, no. That map may be redone and released in the future though (either free or payware). The map is being improved in terms of textures plus in the future improve the mesh, objects and range, e.g. the Crimea.
Q10. Any sound engine improvements in 2.0?
A. Yes, a new API is being worked on, including position info for 3rd party and mod makers so that it is easy to use. Cleaner separation of sound and game logic, which helps performance.



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Proximo Stream de Wags en DCS: World 2.0 el dia 4 de Junio a las 18:00 UTC, la ronda de preguntas y respuestas comenzará a las 17:30 UTC, esta ver, toca helicopteros.
The next live Stream will be on Saturday, July 4th at 1800 UTC. The Q&A will start at 1730 UTC.
Helos, helos, helos!
After the Stream concludes, I will post a copy to Youtube


El video, será subido como de costumbre a Youtube.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Proximo Streaming de DCS World el Domingo, 26 de Julio. A las 18:00 UTC. Las noticias y el Q&A empezarán a las 1730 UTC. El canal se abrirá a las 1700 UTC. Este domingo se centrará en el L-39 Albatros (y me imagino que NTTR).
The next live Stream will be on Sunday, July 26th at 1800 UTC. The News and Q&A will start at 1730 UTC. Channel chat opens at 1700 UTC.
This stream will focus on DCS: L-39 Albatros. 


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Stream de hoy, en el Q&A, Wags explicó que el L-39 Traerá primero la versión C y despues la versión ZA, esta ultima gratis, pero saldrá mas tarde devido a los cambios en el exterior, la cabina, sistemas y armamento. DCS: W 1.5, que será la versión interina que vendrá en septiembre es en si 2.0 con todo lo que se ha hablado anteriormente sobre ella (el ejecutable unificado, cambios en el GUI, nuevo motor DX11, soporte del L-39, nuevos efectos, visión por satelite en el editor de misiones, la nueva IA, etc), lo unico que no traerá será la integración de nuevos mapas como NTTR, (como DCS: W 2.0) que vendrá despues, por supuesto, todo gratis (excepto mapas, que serán pagos, excepto si comprasteis el A-10C en beta en el que tendreis NTTR gratis). 


Se sigue trabajando en la cabina del F-18 y los SMI, la cabina del Mig-29 va muy bien, y estan haciendo prograsos en el modelo externo, y se ha actualizado el codigo del DK2 SKD del Oculus Rift. 


Sobre 3rd Parties, Wags habla de la entrada de Polychop Simulators en DCS: W, la apertura por parte de Leatherneck de la pagina web del F-14, RAZBAM con las pruebas del radar en el Mirage 2000, VEAO ha sacado un Stream del P-40F (lo pondré despues) y los renders del EuroFighter. Despues estan las Q&A de cada semana.


Una de las preguntas, está muy interesante, ya que habla de daños de fragmentación de la bombas. En las pruebas realizadas, una bomba guiada GBU-12 de 1000 Lbs lanzadas contra un tanque, destruye este con un impacto directo, unos camiones a 500 pies son destruidos, a 1000 pies son dañados, infanteria a 200 pies es muerta y a 2500 pies es herida (un poco exagerado segun el), despues se lanzó la misma GBU-12 contra el tanque pero impactandolo al lado. El tanque quedó dañado. 



Vuelo corto del L-39

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